Scirocco List Thread Index, January 2002
- Suspension questions redux,
- Re: Tear Drops,
Brian Haygood
- Re: Rapid Parts spam,
John C. Worden
- Re: 16v problem - bucking upon take-off,
Daun Yeagley
- Re: auto door locks from 88 to 86?,
- Re: [Brad Sayer] You piss someone off?,
Eric L Ellis
- I've been hit!,
- Re: tire rotation,
- center interior piece,
- window seals & rubber pieces,
adam lefevre
- rocco makes it cross country,
Joe Doty
- Re: Was: Stretch bolts vs. studs... Valve springs,
Brett Van Sprewenburg
- Idle hunt be gone....well, mostly,
- Re: [Re: Was: Stretch bolts vs. studs... Valve springs],
Cathy Boyko
- Wheel / Tire opinions,
Jeffrey Lowe
- ETKA V5.0 Install questions,
- [Scirocco-l] Re: Santa gift to Uncle Rocco,
- Just some Crazy list sitings in Florida Dan? Al? Etc..,
- [Scirocco-l] Re: Bent Valve, Too High Revs!!,
- [Scirocco-l] Re: Was: Stretch bolts vs. studs... Valve springs,
- Shell + suspension needed,
- Autopower Roll cage,
- WTB: Sun Roof Air Deflector,
B-Boy Krazy Horse
- Re: [Re: I have great luck (was: RE: whohoo getting a new car ! ! !)],
T Berk
- (ot) Audi calender desktop wallpaper,
- Speedometer,
Sebastian Liberona
- Re: MK1 seals again plus rain gutter plastic,
- Wanted: original 16v key, cut is okay!,
- [Scirocco-l] anyone have a 160mph cluster for mkii?,
eric tomorrow
- [Scirocco-l] Just another test,
Christopher Mende
- [Scirocco-l] Upgraded List ...,
Christopher Mende
- [Scirocco-l] Re: Ebay Item,
- [Scirocco-l] Re: Just some Crazy list sitings in Florida Dan? Al? Etc..,
- Att Joe Doty,
- ETKA and printing....,
Dan S
- Opinion on Oil,
- Oops! Replies go to list now,
Mike VanAmburgh
- WTB: G60 EMS (attn: Wing Gee),
Scott F. Williams
- Eric in Colorado contact me foudn 3 trucks for you.,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [OT] - Passat Help,
Cory Langford
- List Help,
Brian Wagner
- Sighting in CO Rockies,
'84 Scirocco
- Carfax needed - Comp no longer available,
- WTB: MKI Euro bumpers,
earl nordrum
- FS on EBAY,
Brian Wagner
- dipstick guide tube question,
- anyone have an engine stand in NorCal (Bay Area) to lend/rent?,
Jeff Toomasson
- Looking for a Mid to Late 80's Scirroco,
Night Shadow
- Amphibian VWs,
Curt Voss
- Lining up the hood...,
josh Wyte
- Looking to buy a Mid/laate 80's to early 90's Scirocco...,
Etop Udoh
- Removin' headers,
Christopher Mende
- Next level past Mk1 'S' = GTX?,
- Fixed Cold Start Now bad idle,
- My '84 that might be forsale soon,
'84 Scirocco
- Speedo,
Kervin Ridgley
- Alternator Regulator,
Donald Walter
- [mk2][8v] Clunk Clunk,
Chris M
- Web site set-up help,
Nate Mellom
- Dumb question, is CIS self bleeding?,
Marc Peterson
- Pics of my '81!!!!,
Nate Mellom
- Header?,
- (OT) Passat B3 CD,
- Twin engine project update: phase 1 completed,
- headers,
- Dead in the Driveway,
John Erickson
- lol!, My heater actually works,
Andrew Wong
- 2.0L 8v Questions,
Brett Van Sprewenburg
- Brrr.......Heater woes[RANT},
- unsuscribe,
- Help! Anyone in the bay area,
Night Shadow
- [OT] Scirocco related....,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- 16v O2 sensor: how many wires?,
Scott F. Williams
- philly area sighting,
eric tomorrow
- Fuel Transfer pump,
- parts for sale again,
- [OT]rant- Mad as hell, and it wasn't my car,
- MKI Forsale -Not Mine!,
Anthony Pelletier
- paranoid of the dreaded cross-member,
Jeff Toomasson
- PS and voltage observations and questions,
Dan S
- Intake Manifolds 40mm,42mm,50mm,
Donald Walter
- easy way of clipping up exhaust clips on toilet bowl?,
Wing Gee
- I also have voltage q's....,
Nate Mellom
- Nice MKI on ebay,
earl nordrum
- one piece speedo cable,
- Parts in Minneapolis MN sorry,
- [TECH] Head Install Prep.,
Jason F. Snow
- exhaust q's,
- FS Scirocco 16v super coolguy,
Chris DeLong
- RCI Race Seats, last chance!!,
B-Boy Krazy Horse
- Forgot to ask...,
B-Boy Krazy Horse
- Now this is German Muscle,
Randy B
- help! even more confused about trannys,
Jeff Toomasson
- '84 seats?,
- Q about nos,
Scott Rose
- Tranny parts ?'s,
S. Coleman
- Can you take apart the rear shock assembly without a spring compressor?,
josh Wyte
- score!...tdi crank,
- quick fan ?,
Bob & Ann
- can you take apart the rear shock assembly without a spring compressor,
Chris Jung
- appraised vlaue/ stated value insurance,
Josh Able
- MK1 zender z1 side skirt opinions wanted!,
- Heater fan repair Q,
- badge removal,
- Duckbill spoiler?,
- BANG! No more GTX :^(,
Scott F. Williams
- Tags for my 80,
Kervin Ridgley
- OT: passat vr6 questions,
Jason Arms
- [Re: appraised vlaue/ stated value insurance],
Cathy Boyko
- AC removal,
- 79 rear wiper wiring help needed,
Andre Bjorkheim
- coilovers & Koni's,
- For you NW folk!!,
Dave Ewing
- Need Scirocco-l digest, Vol 1 #1 and the one before that,
Jeffrey Lowe
- [OT] 1996 Saab 900 timing belt replacement,
Kervin Ridgley
- Heater Control Cable Problem,
Donald Walter
- [OT] Tekworx is offline for today,
Jerry Carter
- trans,
Jason VW
- trans,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- trans,
Chris DeLong
- [Re: List problems?],
Cathy Boyko
- tranny code 85 roc?,
- NOS stuff,
Chris DeLong
- So I got a new Jetta,
Chris DeLong
- A BIG thank you!,
Night Shadow
- leaking sunroof,
- '87 16V Red Rocco in El Sobrante?,
- OT: Anyone need Eurovan wheels?,
Nate Mellom
- weber carb.,
- Snow,
- [TECH] 16v into 81 Conversion (Electrical) *Please Read*,
Jason F. Snow
- Bentley for sale (or trade),
Dan S
- Shipping overseas?,
josh Wyte
- [TEST] - No list Msg...,
Cory Langford
- [OT] TESTING - List Withdrawl...,
Cory Langford
- Scirocco Bliss (long),
Marc Peterson
- Wheel Bearing woe's,
- Quick wheel offset question,
Night Shadow
- passat vr6 questions,
Jason Arms
- 16V body kit FS,
- dyno day pics,
Jason Arms
- Wheel bearing woes,
Dan Williams
- Key Blanks,
Dan Williams
- passat related to scirocco,
- Julie's Saying Bye Bye for the winter.,
Julie Macfarlane
- ATTN Randy B,
Night Shadow
- Found: 77 at a yard,
- My Odometer screwed me!,
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Kevin Collins
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Craig Williams
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Randy B
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Scott F. Williams
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Eric L Ellis
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Eric L Ellis
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
B-Boy Krazy Horse
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Chris DeLong
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Kevin Collins
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Kevin Collins
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Brad Sayer
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Kevin Collins
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Richard Deede
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
eric tomorrow
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Brad Sayer
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Kevin Collins
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Joe Doty
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
Duncan McGowan
- RIPPED OFF! East coast muscle needed!,
eric tomorrow
- Pics from 2001 WaterWagens,
Andre Bjorkheim
- Anyone building an ITC, or GT3 Mk1 Scirocco.....,
Randy B
- race with a talon,
Chris Jung
- race with a talon,
- race with a talon,
- How useful is this turbo? (was: race with a talon0,
Jeff Toomasson
- How useful is this turbo? (was: race with a talon0,
- (no subject),
Christian Els
- (no subject),
- What does DSM stand for? (was: Re: (no subject),
Jeff Toomasson
- What does DSM stand for? (was: Re: (no subject),
Jerry Carter
- What does DSM stand for? (was: Re: (no subject),
T Berk
- What does DSM stand for? (was: Re: (no subject),
Andrew Wong
- was:(Re:What(i'm confused(DSM?(umm, what the...(was: Re: (no subject)))):),
- What does DSM stand for? (was: Re: (no subject),
- How useful is this turbo? (was: race with a talon0,
Brian Haygood
- (no subject),
Christian Els
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- race with a talon,
chris cavitt
- Scirocco FS in SF, CA,
- reiger widebody kit FS (not mine),
- VDO or MOTO?,
- anyone,
- Brakes Question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Coupla Mk1 questions...,
Nate Mellom
- Meze, email me please,
josh Wyte
- Rear brakes engaged in cold weather,
Sean Clark
- Intimidation!!!! I want some!!!,
'84 Scirocco
- on "euro" injection.....,
Andrew Stauffer
- Trany gear Question.,
Cory Langford
- Possible Parts FS,
- [Mk1gti] on "euro" injection.....,
McGarvey, Peter
- WTB: 14" alloy wheels near Boston for cheap!,
josh Wyte
- [OT] Tekworx,
- lost part of emailing of the list,
- another great rally highlight flick,
Scott F. Williams
- Old Head,
Walter D. Leonard III
- Very Poor Milage,
Sebastian Liberona
- Somebody find me body panels please (pleading),
Marc Peterson
- very poor gas milage pt 2,
Sebastian Liberona
- Bent head 16v,
Walter D. Leonard III
- Heads for sale,
Walter D. Leonard III
- poor milage,
Sebastian Liberona
- Broken Power Steering Mount needed,
Dave Dawson
- RIPPED OFF! Oops...I Goofed!,
Richard Deede
- [OT]WRC-Driver's facial expressions,
Jerry Carter
- IRC Server,
- 87 vw scirocco 16v,
der t flo
- 18-2.0,
der t flo
- Cleaning solutions for the intake,
Jerry Carter
- Engine Block questions...,
Russ Tom
- [Julie's Saying Bye Bye for the winter.],
Cathy Boyko
- FW: Brakes Question.. Erratt on List,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- trouble with another great rally highlight flick,
Victor Farren
- Fw: 1982 VW SCIROCCO II 8v. 1700cc Daily driver. Good project car.,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- How useful is this turbo? (was: race with a talon0,
Joe Doty
- Was RIPPED OFF! Future Strategy,
Jan Folkson
- Clutch Recomendations please,
Cory Langford
- Somebody looking for me?,
John Laughlin
- rad fan switch death question,
Bob & Ann
- Opinions on Jetex Exhaust,
- Where's Tosha, er Waldo? was: Help! Anyone [ELSE] in the bay area,
- 2.0 8v,
Nigel Heron
- Help my car to survive,
'84 Scirocco
- [Re: 87 vw scirocco 16v],
Cathy Boyko
- [RE: Somebody looking for me?],
Cathy Boyko
- FS: Autotech (Hor) 8v lowering springs,
josh Wyte
- coolant overflow res.,
Brad Sayer
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Jerry Carter
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Scott F. Williams
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Marc Peterson
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Jerry Carter
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Scott F. Williams
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Jerry Carter
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Dave Ewing
- Common sense engine upgrades,
Dan Bubb
- Message not available
- Common sense engine upgrades,
Dan Bubb
- Common sense engine upgrades,
- Common sense engine upgrades,
Dave Ewing
- Common sense engine upgrades,
- Common sense engine upgrades,
Dan Bubb
- Common sense engine upgrades,
Dave Ewing
- Thanks,
Kervin Ridgley
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Scott F. Williams
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Scott F. Williams
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Dan Bubb
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Scott F. Williams
- Can we put this thread to bed, please? (Was: 16v head on a 1.7L engine),
Jeff Toomasson
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
Scott F. Williams
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
earl nordrum
- 16v head on a 1.7L engine,
- Fw: 05150 1.8-2.0L, liquid cooled, mech. injection only [T20020105005W],
- Fw: 05150 1.8-2.0L, liquid cooled, mech. injection only [T20020105005W],
- Fw: 05150 1.8-2.0L, liquid cooled, mech. injection only [T20020105005W],
Cheapass Ron
- 05150 1.8-2.0L, liquid cooled, mech. injection only [T20020105005W],
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- 05150 1.8-2.0L, liquid cooled, mech. injection only [T20020105005W],
Cory Langford
- [Re: [Julie's Saying Bye Bye for the winter.]],
Cathy Boyko
- Looking to buy a Mid to Late 80's Scirocco,
T Berk
- 16V hi-flo head w/ Schrick 258's for Sale,
Scirocco 16v
- 16V hi-flo head w/ Schrick 268's for Sale,
Scirocco 16v
- Yargh!,
- rabbit tranny in a scirocco,
- Just venting a bit...,
- Fabled Junkyard,
Dan Williams
- less than 5 months.....,
- HOT lead on the manifold thief!,
Kevin Collins
- [Mk1gti] Re: Looking to buy a Mid to Late 80's Scirocco,
Andrew Stauffer
- getting close,
- Body parts,
Cory Langford
- Interactive Rice,
Christian Els
- State Farm to pay GA motorists $250 Million,
Chris Picot
- Back to the list,
Josh Hignight
- [TECH HELP NEEDED] Brake hoses Question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Fuel Issues !? (longish),
- Need a fuel sytem part and some info on it.,
- Murphy and Finagle have visited the north,
- 16v head weight,
Dan Williams
- FS: wiper airfoil,
Scott F. Williams
- Front wheel bearings...,
- [Fabled Junkyard],
Cathy Boyko
- Rebuttal - Re: dyno day pics [new on],
Jason Arms
- 2.0 L 16 V,
- ND at Monterey? Cool!,
Joe Doty
- 2L 16v,
Chris DeLong
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- 2L 16v,
Sebastian Liberona
- 2L 16v,
Sebastian Liberona
- 2L 16v,
- 2L 16v,
Sebastian Liberona
- [OT] Changes to tekworx,
- another roads link...,
- Again, a couple Mk1 questions (and others),
Nate Mellom
- Front/rear weight %,
Pat Fontaine
- 80 roco on EBay,
Cory Langford
- Need a fuel system part and some info on it.,
- [ebay] 20V Turbo,
Cory Langford
- Body Kit Identification?,
Cory Langford
- Tires...,
Josh Hignight
- need compression reduction info,
Anthony Pelletier
- NM Roads,
Josh Hignight
- Grammar Police was Re: coolant overflow res.,
Kevin Collins
- convertible roc's,
Jeff Toomasson
- Speedos and Gauges,
Jason F. Snow
- [electrical] I keep having a 'shocking' experience...,
Dan S
- FS (not mine): 83 GTI engine $20!,
Jeff Toomasson
Night Shadow
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- test,
Night Shadow
- test,
Bob & Ann
- test,
John C. Worden
- Test,
87 Scirocco
- test,
Ken Bates
- Scirocco SWF movie,
Mike Blain
- 2L 16v for sale and A2 parts,
Victor Farren
- New sciroccos,
- Jetex systems,
Tim at ND
- Argh I need my power back!!!!! (was fuel issues),
- hubs,
- hubs,
- hubs,
Kervin Ridgley
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- hubs,
Brad Sayer
- hubs,
- Mk2 Kamei front spoiler FS (new in box),
Randy B
- tires,
Walter D. Leonard III
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- tires,
Josh Hignight
- Hard Cold Starting,
- 2.0 Rebuild restore power.,
Dan Kraus
- Kamei front spoiler for sale,
kenneth r weidmann jr
- OT: pics of my new passat vr6 purchace!,
Jason Arms
- [Re: 16v head weight],
Cathy Boyko
- winter projects, Passats,
Cathy Boyko
- winter projects, Passats,
Randy B
- winter projects, Passats,
Cheapass Ron
- winter projects, Passats,
Jerry Carter
- winter projects, Passats,
- winter projects, Passats,
Daun Yeagley
- winter projects, Passats,
T Berk
- winter projects, Passats,
Brian Haygood
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- winter projects, Passats,
- Help!,
- Help!,
Dave Ewing
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Help!,
- ATTN Brett,
Night Shadow
- Can I use a2 susp.?,
Scott Rose
- OT: need info from Speedvision tv commercial,
Scott F. Williams
- theft update,
Kevin Collins
- 16v radiator,
Dan Williams
- Engine Problems,
- Ignition Woes,
John Erickson
- [Fwd: Re: 8v head],
Kervin Ridgley
- Passats,
John Van Vuren
- winter projects, possible eng swap,
- New to list and have a tech question,
Wiley Robinson
- Timing belt question...,
- spoiler BE WARNED bullshit,
- Winter Projects,
josh Wyte
- Mk2 Kamei front spoiler FS (new in box)BE WARNED,
Paul Maione
- [Re: winter projects, Passats],
- [ENG]- condition opinions?,
- spoiler BE WARNED bullshit...And good news :-),
Dirk Schneider
- Wiper unit connector,
- 1987 8V/16V Brochure,
Greg -
- FS-87 Raleigh area,
Duncan McGowan
- Two Scirocco sightings NJ-PA,
Dan Kraus
- looking to hop up your mk1??,
Ryan Schuermann
- Dirk is great [Was spoiler BE WARNED bullshit],
Tobias ><
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Jeffrey Lowe
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Jason F. Snow
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Sushi Grade Pork
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Jeffrey Lowe
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Back on the list and looking for stuff & answers,
Mark Mages
- Back on the list and looking for stuff & answers,
- Back on the list and looking for stuff & answers,
Mark Mages
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Kevin Collins
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Night Shadow
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Brett Van Sprewenburg
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Dave Ewing
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Night Shadow
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
B-Boy Krazy Horse
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Eric L Ellis
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Tobias ><
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Eric L Ellis
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
chris ----
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
earl nordrum
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Josh Hignight
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Brad Sayer
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Josh Hignight
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
B-Boy Krazy Horse
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
eric tomorrow
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Dave Margretta
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
earl nordrum
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Richard Deede
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Mike Blain
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Tim at ND
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Tim at ND
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Cory Langford
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items?,
Brett Van Sprewenburg
- <=86-87 8v scirocco bend-down at the nose??? (interesting),
- <=86-87 8v scirocco bend-down at the nose??? (interesting),
Dan Bubb
- <=86-87 8v scirocco bend-down at the nose??? (interesting),
- <=86-87 8v scirocco bend-down at the nose??? (interesting),
- <=86-87 8v scirocco bend-down at the nose??? (interesting),
- <=86-87 8v scirocco bend-down at the nose??? (interesting),
- <=86-87 8v scirocco bend-down at the nose??? (interesting),
- [OT] Half-Life,
- [OT] Half-Life,
Jeff Toomasson
- [OT] Half-Life,
Josh Able
- [OT] Half-Life,
adam lefevre
- [OT] Half-Life,
Josh Able
- [OT] Half-Life,
T Berk
- [OT] Half-Life,
'84 Scirocco
- [OT] Half-Life,
Jerry Carter
- [OT] Half-Life,
Shawn C Meze
- [OT] Half-Life,
- [OT] Half-Life,
Shawn C Meze
- [OT] Half-Life / CS / UT,
Brian Haygood
- [OT] Half-Life,
- [OT] Half-Life,
Jason F. Snow
- [OT] Half-Life,
- What spoiler is this? | Where to get "scirocco" hatch glass graphic? | etc...,
- Control Arm Success,
'84 Scirocco
- Rear 16V emblem and B Pillar badges,
Jeffrey Lowe
- Euro lights for half decent price,
Jeffrey Lowe
- Is my fucking HTML gone yet!!!,
- 8v rear fender trim ?'s,
- sunroof to no sunroof swap...,
- Selling the rocc, let me know if you guys want first dibs,
- [trim] rear window,
Dan S
- top 10 rare scirocco items..,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items ..hatch supports?,
Jason F. Snow
- window stickers,
Cory Langford
- Electrical help,
- tires info...,
Josh Hignight
- Need some info on complete driveaxles.,
Joe Doty
- [ window stickers],
Cathy Boyko
- Supersprint cat-back for Scirocco 16v - one left!,
Jeff Toomasson
- R/C Scirocco Body,
- FS: Mag Wheels and Snow Tires,
George R Carr Jr
- [trim] rear window | attn: Daun,
Josh Hignight
- Twin engine project update #2 | questions/parts needed,
- Battery,
Kervin Ridgley
- business card (was Re: window stickers),
- mk2 dash question,
- Bay Area GTG Wed 16th!!!!,
Randy B
- Top 10 rarest Scirocco items? Paul M. Read,
Paul Maione
- Scirocco II body parts f.s.,
kenneth r weidmann jr
- Rubber rear deck hangers,
Mike Eldred
- BI-Spoiler (GTX)...was Kamei X1 Ident Paul M, Read!,
Josh Hignight
- [Tech] Battery Recommendation,
- Replacing a self adjusting clutch cable,
Bill Collins
- any one have a pair of intact sun visors?,
Jeff Toomasson
- BI-Spoiler (GTX),
Josh Hignight
- What is special about the interior of this gtx?,
- MkII Interior Fan grounds(I THINK I HAVE THE ANSWER),
- [OT] Pittsburgh,
Marc Getty
- Audi 4000 Sunroof...will it work??,
chris ----
- Aftermarket seat covers,
- FS Rare Scirocco Items,
- Air-shroud vs non again (sorry)...2 ?'s,
Marc Peterson
- Oh oh... Milky oil...,
- OT: *insane* in-car rally footage,
Scott F. Williams
- Ohio members,
Josh Able
- split rear seat stuff,
- ekta download,
- My baby is up for sale!,
Duffy Penski
- MKI Dudes.. I found this on ebay...,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Where to get the song "Radar Love,
Wiley Robinson
- steering sheel releathering question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Hey Daun.....,
- vibrating steering wheel,
Isidro lepez
- Mk1 rear wing question,
Nate Mellom
- [Re: split rear seat stuff/ junk shelf],
Cathy Boyko
- MK1 Euro Speedo!!,
Dave Ewing
- Digifant head on CIS 1.8L ? Motor possibly for sale...,
Jeffrey W Bynum
- windshield washer nozzles,
Jorel Jackson
- headgasket,
John Lagnese
- Can you identify these?,
Rick Alexander
- door panels,
John Lagnese
- MK II & sighting,
- [OT] Half-Life,
Bradley Peet
- CV Joint Bolts,
Sebastian Liberona
- What spoiler is this? | Where to get "scirocco" hatch glass graphic? |etc...,
Ewan Hopkins
- 1.7 head swap,
Kervin Ridgley
- 1.7 head swap,
Dan Bubb
- 1.7 head swap,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- 1.7 head swap,
Kervin Ridgley
- intake manifold coatings.,
Mike Blain
- intake manifold coatings.,
Craig Williams
- intake manifold coatings.,
Scott F. Williams
- Message not available
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
Mike Blain
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
Scott F. Williams
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
Mike Blain
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
Craig Williams
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
Euroroc II
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
Donald Walter
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
Donald Walter
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
adam lefevre
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
Mike Blain
- 1.7 head swap,
Dan Bubb
- FS : 16v in NJ - 900.00 obo,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- OT: Radar detection capabilities,
Jorel Jackson
- techtonics hookup,
- interesting ebay item,
Joe Doty
- $%&*! - what's the damn fuba cable path?,
Jeff Toomasson
- need some rear caliper advise,
Andrew Stauffer
- Fwd: FW: Great Deal on 1999 VW Jetta,
16V Jason
- Best route for replacing/repairing MKII Body panels?,
Christopher Mueller
- Re 10 rarest Sciroccoi items,
Geoff Hicks
- downpipe/exhaust question,
- [Re 10 rarest Sciroccoi items],
Cathy Boyko
- OT: Radar detection capabilities/Valentine,
Josh Hignight
- More on the Valentine Detector,
Jorel Jackson
- More on the Valentine Detector,
Anthony Pelletier
- More on the Valentine Detector,
John Erickson
- More on the Valentine Detector,
16V Jason
- More on the Valentine Detector,
John Erickson
- Message not available
- Was: More on the Valentine Detector - Is: C & D,
John Erickson
- OT: C & D,
- Was: More on the Valentine Detector - Is: C & D,
Cheapass Ron Pieper
- Was: More on the Valentine Detector - Is: C & D,
Kevin Collins
- Was: More on the Valentine Detector - Is: C & D,
16V Jason
- Was: More on the Valentine Detector - Is: C & D,
- Was: More on the Valentine Detector - Is: C & D,
Kevin Collins
- C&D drive test for '84 MKII,
Jorel Jackson
- C&D drive test for '84 MKII,
Nathan Dana
- C&D drive test for '84 MKII,
- C&D drive test for '84 MKII,
Kevin Collins
- Was: More on the Valentine Detector - Is: C & D,
16V Jason
- Is: C & D,
- OT: C & D and other magazines,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- OT: Radar detection capabilities/Valentine,
Eric L Ellis
- OT: Radar detection capabilities/Valentine,
Robert Piwonka
- Anyone got an extra MK1 gascap?,
- coil resistance,
Sebastian Liberona
- [tech] Kamei Steering Wheel Question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- DynoMax ultraFlow SS for sale Brand New,
Robert Piwonka
- got my euro lights - Dirk is the man!,
Jeff Toomasson
- sHaKiNg 16v!!!,
- I own a Mk1,
T Berk
- Coming to the SF Bay Area? Plan Ahead.,
T Berk
- Florida pick-n-pulls and shipping to New England,
Rick Alexander
- Battery (again),
Kervin Ridgley
- [semi-rant] They're alive!!!,
Dan S
- '75-'77 left front fender on eBay,
Neal Tovsen
- r/c mk1,
Josh Hignight
- intake manifold coatings.,
- [tech] swaybar question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [tech] swaybar question,
Dan Bubb
- [tech] swaybar question,
Jeffrey Lowe
- [tech] swaybar question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [tech] swaybar question,
Dan Bubb
- [tech] swaybar question,
Dan Bubb
- [tech] swaybar question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [tech] swaybar question,
Dan Bubb
- [tech] swaybar question,
Neal Tovsen
- [tech] swaybar question,
Dan Bubb
- [tech] swaybar question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [tech] swaybar question,
- [tech] swaybar question,
Randy B
- [tech] swaybar question,
Scott F. Williams
- [tech] swaybar question,
Christian Els
- Dan's last comment on swaybars (unless provoked),
Dan Bubb
- Dan's last comment on swaybars (unless provoked),
Shawn C Meze
- Dan's last comment on swaybars (unless provoked),
Dan Bubb
- [tech] swaybar question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [tech] swaybar question,
Scott F. Williams
- [tech] swaybar question,
- [tech] swaybar question,
Neal Tovsen
- [tech] swaybar question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [tech] swaybar question,
Dan Bubb
- [tech] swaybar question,
Neal Tovsen
- [tech] swaybar question,
Dan Bubb
- Is this a rare part?,
- front motor mount needed,
- Dunlop SP9000's day one...,
Josh Hignight
- Scirocco Hatch Sticker,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- tire pressure WAS RE: Dunlop SP9000's day one...,
Josh Hignight
- Quick Question,
Krazy Horse
- [OT w/ Scirocco content,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [tech]: where does this ground go?,
Michael Abatzis
- [tech]: idle specs on a 2.0L 16v cis-e?,
Michael Abatzis
- suspension?,
Lil B 959
- suspension?,
Donald Walter
- suspension?,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- (WAS Re: suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
Shawn C Meze
- (WAS Re: suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
Shawn C Meze
- suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
T Berk
- suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
Shawn C Meze
- suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
Shawn C Meze
- suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
Shawn C Meze
- (WAS Re: suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
- suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
Shawn C Meze
- (WAS Re: suspension?) contortionist can fit 4 in a Roc!,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- suspension?,
Chris M
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- suspension?,
Lil B 959
- suspension?,
Lil B 959
- [OT] What in the world...,
Josh Hignight
- New battery tray?,
- OT: passat VR6 (runs!),
Jason Arms
- blower motor,
Lil B 959
- Remember Julie? Well.....,
Julie Macfarlane
- MK1 reinforcement,
- Forced induction,
Brad Bancale
- rocco restoration,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Fw: my ground control group buy,
Wing Gee
- Speaking of restoration check out my teardown,
- [Remember Julie? Well.....],
Cathy Boyko
- [OT w/ Scirocco content => Vanity Plates,
- Quick Timing question...,
- sideskirts on ebay,
Anthony Pelletier
- revisiting the 2.0 swap headgasket - ready to purchase,
Jeff Toomasson
- A few problems....,
Dan S
- [efi tech] More EFI questions,
Chris M
- friend looking for random parts,
Joe Doty
- removing the a/c,
- oil temp gauge differences,
Joe Doty
- FS 1985 Wolfsburg 8v in NJ - 949$,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [tech]: where does this ground go?-thanks,
Michael Abatzis
- Non Roc. VR6 Passat FS in New Jersey,
Dan Kraus
- Fw: Please Forward to Scirocco List,
Dan Bubb
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- list,
- Need a scaned pic of the MKII jack points and a pic of the stock jack,
Andrew Wong
- Unreal tournament server up,
- WTF !?!?!?! .. List admin please read this ...,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- removing the a/c '85 8V,
- power loss at high rev's,
- [OT] WAS: Re: what's the damn fuba cable path?,
- I'm an idiot! .net not .com! My motor install in more detail (long),
Theron Ross
- A/C questions,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Some people has no sence of prices (fwd),
- Some people has no sence of prices,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Brew your own octane booster,
- ..On vacation.... Still getting it..,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- OT: Corrado Bently,
Krazy Horse
- [power loss at high rev's],
Cathy Boyko
- [RE: suspension?],
Cathy Boyko
- My trip home..,
Night Shadow
- battery question.....,
- FS?: 8v nitrous kit,
Scott F. Williams
- [Re: [power loss at high rev's]],
Cathy Boyko
- creativity with the front speaker well,
Jeff Toomasson
- Sunroof Leak woes,
Sushi Grade Pork
- heater core price?,
Joe Doty
- Looking for front door panels or new vinyl for the '78,
John C. Worden
- OT: passat VR6 again,
Jason Arms
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Christopher Mueller
- Fiberglass Hoods,
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Josh Able
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Dave Ewing
- Fiberglass Hoods,
T Berk
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Scott F. Williams
- Fiberglass Hoods,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Fiberglass Hoods,
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Scott F. Williams
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Neal Tovsen
- OT - Other cars in the stable was: Fiberglass Hoods,
T Berk
- OT - Other cars in the stable was: Fiberglass Hoods,
Scott F. Williams
- OT - Other cars in the stable was: Fiberglass Hoods,
Neal Tovsen
- OT - Other cars in the stable was: Fiberglass Hoods,
- OT - Other cars in the stable was: Fiberglass Hoods,
Scott F. Williams
- OT - Other cars in the stable was: Fiberglass Hoods,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- OT - Other cars in the stable was: Fiberglass Hoods,
Neal Tovsen
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Dave Ewing
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Josh Able
- Straight Line vs Twisted Mountain Roads was: Fiberglass Hoods,
T Berk
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Scott F. Williams
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Dave Ewing
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Scott F. Williams
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Mike Blain
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Josh Able
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- 16V wiring,
- 16V wiring,
Rick Alexander
- 16V wiring,
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Shawn C Meze
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Neal Tovsen
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- Message not available
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Shawn C Meze
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Dave Ewing
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Neal Tovsen
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Dave Ewing
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- QUAIFE! (was Fiberglass Hoods),
- QUAIFE! - POSI? - (was Fiberglass Hoods),
T Berk
- QUAIFE! - POSI? - (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Dave Ewing
- QUAIFE! - POSI? - (was Fiberglass Hoods),
T Berk
- QUAIFE! - POSI? - (was Fiberglass Hoods),
Shawn C Meze
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Neal Tovsen
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Dave Ewing
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Jerry Carter
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Neal Tovsen
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Fiberglass Hoods,
- Fiberglass Hoods,
Shawn C Meze
- 1.8 to 2.0L 16v conversion,
- OH Well... guess it was my get's busted in... petty thieves get the radio and speakers...,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Hjigh speed power loss (different),
Jerry Carter
- location of the fuel sender,
- [OT] Ignore, just a test,
Randy B
- 78 rocco,... fuel pump ?',
S. Coleman
- Mk1 GTI Suspension, Chassis, Steering problems...,
- Fiberglass Hoods (Pt. 2),
Christopher Mueller
- Fiberglass Hoods (source),
Eric L Ellis
- FS: 88 16V Scirocco--Torrance, CA (Not Mine...),
Scirocco 16v
- what wheels are these,
- what wheels are these,
Greg -
- what wheels are these,
Kevin Collins
- what wheels are these,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- what wheels are these,
- what wheels are these,
Cory Langford
- what wheels are these,
Josh Hignight
- what wheels are these,
Josh Hignight
- what wheels are these,
Josh Hignight
- what wheels are these,
Josh Hignight
- what wheels are these,
Euroroc II
- what wheels are these,
Josh Hignight
- FS: 88 16V Scirocco $500,
Scirocco 16v
- (no subject),
chris colameco
- Brian in me,
Night Shadow
- Cat Back installation,
- [ebay][OT]VW syncro quantum WAGON,
Brian McGarvey
- A car for dirk,
- Fiberglass Hoods - Mk.1 Fenders?,
- german flag sticker?,
Mike Blain
- [Re: Fiberglass Hoods - Mk.1 Fenders?],
Cathy Boyko
- Car Mags (Was RE: More on the Valentine Detector - Is: C & D),
John Edwards
- [sightings - FL] 3 different ones in 3 days!!! (Wong?),
Dan S
- Corrado Bently,
Cory Langford
- MK1 Scirocco - A3 Jetta VR6, Back to back,
Marc Peterson
- Alternator Removal,
Getty, Marc
- Weber vs Neuspeed t-body opinions needed,
earl nordrum
- amazing finds..,
Dan S
- Lemonade from lemons=Quaife,
David Hellekson
- to those doing 16v turbo's,
Anthony Pelletier
- (OT) Who has today off!,
Dave Ewing
- Stolen Hi-Fi Components,
- OT: ICQ,
Scott Rose
- ICQ,
Dan S
- ICQ,
- ICQ,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- ICQ,
Josh Able
- Tranny slip kit?,
sead causevic
- whats up with potterman?,
- OT: Something really interesting on ebay,
Scott Rose
- A/C parts.,
Philip P. Mueller III
- 16v Wiring harness in a MK1,
- Tech: Intermediate Shaft 16v,
Brian Wagner
- Borbet Wheels for sale,
- Cincy,
- Cincy,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Cincy,
Dan Williams
- cincy,
- Scirocco II 16V RIEGER GTO,
Dirk Schneider
- Hi!.. 84 16" Wheels/Exaust Query,
- Update on Borbet wheels FS,
- Source for 16v hall senders?,
- [TST] Re: Sonic meeting,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- G-Grind Cam,
- [tech]: source for 16v p&p,
Michael Abatzis
- Tokico HP?,
- 205 or 195,
doug czajka
- Buying a Roc...,
Krazy Horse
- A1 for A2,
more emo then you.
- Tranny slip kit?(experience),
- where can I get more pics of this Roc?,
- OT - Other cars in the stable was: Fiberglass Hoods,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- MK1 dealer AC ID,
- Fiberglass Hoods(drag rocco),
- WRD wheels needed(attn. Euro listers),
- 1987 VW Scirocco $250 ?,
Jeffrey Lowe
- Anybody with MSD experiance???,
Tyler J. Pease
- [WWOT]: Junk Mail,
Brian Haygood
- [WWOT]: Junk Mail,
Tobias ><
- where can I get more pics of this Roc?(DMC12?),
- [Re: [tech]: source for 16v p&p],
Cathy Boyko
- [Re: OH Well... guess it was my get's busted in... petty thieves get the radio and speakers...],
Cathy Boyko
- Test Is this getting there?,
Gabriel Avila
- (ot) All things Scirocco,
Pat Fontaine
- expansion tank,
Kervin Ridgley
- Scirocco II 16V RIEGER GTO,
Lil B 959
- Schrick Cam for sale,
- Roc stuff...,
Josh Hignight
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Info - June 7,8,9,
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Info - June 7,8,9,
Josh Able
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Info - June 7,8,9,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Info - June 7,8,9,
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Info - June 7,8,9,
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Info - June 7,8,9,
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Info - June 7,8,9,
Paul Maione
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Info - June 7,8,9,
Richard Deede
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Info - June 7,8,9,
- help with strange noise,
Brad Sayer
- The rockers on this Scirocco are from...?,
Eric L Ellis
- Tinting a Scirocco - Big PIA - Rant,
Jeffrey Lowe
- body kits,
Jason VW
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- body kits,
Eric L Ellis
- need pictures,
- Looking for an original radio for a '78 VW,
John C. Worden
- Mk1 side bump body trim,
T Berk
- OT: pong,
- major motor problem,
- MK1 roof part needed,
- 82 for sale with 63K original mi.,
- Twin "rear axles" scirocco ???,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- More pictures found of twin engine rocco..,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- factory limited slip differential,
Bill Collins
- Removing to w/o wrecking seals?,
Marc Peterson
- OT: Fox Alternator,
- Boy, I'm full of ?'s today, Digital Idle Stabilizer part #.,
Marc Peterson
- Boy, I'm full of ?'s today, Digital Idle Stabilizer part #.,
- Boy, I'm full of ?'s today, Digital Idle Stabilizer part #.,
Marc Peterson
- Boy, I'm full of ?'s today, Digital Idle Stabilizer part #.,
T Berk
- Boy, I'm full of ?'s today, Digital Idle Stabilizer part #.,
Marc Peterson
- Boy, I'm full of ?'s today, Digital Idle Stabilizer part #.,
Marc Peterson
- Boy, I'm full of ?'s today, Digital Idle Stabilizer part #.,
T Berk
- dropping idle,
- Boy, I'm full of ?'s today, Digital Idle Stabilizer part #.,
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Vote - June 7,8,9,
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Vote - June 7,8,9,
Dan S
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Vote - June 7,8,9,
Night Shadow
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Vote - June 7,8,9,
Brian Wagner
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Vote - June 7,8,9,
- Cincy 2002 - Hotel Vote - June 7,8,9,
Julie Macfarlane
- FW: Cincy 2002 - Hotel Vote - June 7,8,9,
- MKI question,
Andrew Wong
- Pressure in the Valve Cover (16v),
John Erickson
- It's the little things.....,
Nate Mellom
- Air flow sensor potentiometer,
Gabriel Avila
- [OT] Porsche 914 fog light questions,
Nate Mellom
- throttle,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- throttle,
Josh Hignight
- Diff talk...,
Josh Hignight
- Weird electrical problem,
L. M. Lloyd
- couple questions,
Sebastian Liberona
- Feeler: Possible FS '83,
Tobias ><
- No spark,
Sean Smith
- cold starting,
Sebastian Liberona
- [OT] Girl Scout cookies.,
87 Scirocco
- OT - Show Car Stuff,
T Berk
- Zender MK2 spoiler on ebay-Reiger style:not mine,
earl nordrum
- Driving Techniques - UK site,
T Berk
- bidding on zender wing,
Scott Rose
- FS: Blacksburg, VA: 1984 Rocc: MAO,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Tech: Ideas on Low Buck Performance Mods (16v),
Brian Wagner
- calling all scirocco lovers- Norcal area. free roc Shell!,
Shawn C Meze
- 82 Roc in Raliegh, Durham Area,
Brian Wagner
- Tech: Fuel Enrichment Gizmo,
Brian Wagner
- WOW!!! Look at that compression ratio!,
Eric L Ellis
- Parts for sale- leftovers from my MK1 2.0L 16V project,
Mike Blain
- Scirocco w/G60 bumper,
Eric L Ellis
- (Possible spam)RE: throttle,
Josh Hignight
- WTB: 16v exhaust manifold,
Joe Doty
- good junkyards in CA for a cheap ABA?,
Joe Doty
- My new Scirocco pictures online =),
Curtis Schofield
- Pacesetter Headers,
- That 83 -- found pics.,
Tobias ><
- That 83 -- found pics. -- and details,
Tobias ><
- NEED ok, WANT SCIROCCO 2 non A/C center console,
Eric L Ellis
- Corrado bumpers....will they fit??,
chris ----
- [looking for parts] does anyone have?,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- suspension choices?,
Jason Arms
- Neal Tovsen in Grassroots Motorsports,
Scott F. Williams
- 2.0l 8v - add - on options?,
Mark Mages
- mystery sender,
- M.C.,
Josh Hignight
- M.C.,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- M.C.,
- M.C.,
T Berk
- M.C.,
Neal Tovsen
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- M.C.,
- M.C.,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- M.C.,
Neal Tovsen
- M.C.,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- M.C.,
- M.C.,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- M.C.,
Josh Hignight
- M.C.,
Brian Wagner
- M.C.,
Josh Hignight
- M.C.,
Brian Wagner
- M.C.,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- M.C.,
- M.C.,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- M.C.,
Brian Wagner
- M.C.,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- M.C.,
- M.C.,
- ABA,
Kervin Ridgley
- new member.,
Cormie, Paul
- MFA question,
Euroroc II
- (WAY OT :)) Insanity Test,
- Speaker Sizes,
Tyler J. Pease
- Roc sighting,
John Lagnese
- Fwd: [Mk1gti] Quaife Gearbox for sale,
T Berk
- Exhaust manifold compatability,
Daun Yeagley
- 2-1 downpipe FS or trade (and a foglight switch for sale),
Nate Mellom
- Rocky's down but not out,
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Jeffrey Lowe
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Dan Bubb
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Neal Tovsen
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Mike VanAmburgh
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Brian Wagner
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Chris M
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Chris M
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Dan Bubb
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Dan Bubb
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll - whats 'perfect' offset?,
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll - whats 'perfect' offset?,
Neal Tovsen
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll - whats 'perfect' offset?,
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll - whats 'perfect' offset?,
Dan Bubb
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Dan Bubb
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Josh Hignight
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Josh Hignight
- 16" Wheels/Tires Poll,
Cory Langford
- Dead Pedal in Scirocco,
Jeffrey Lowe
- '84 special edition Scirocco sold only in CA?,
Jorel Jackson
- Wolfsburg badge for '85 Roc,
Jorel Jackson
- Scirocco Sighting,
- Scirocco-l digest, Vol 1 #24 - 143 msgs,
Tim at ND
- ISO: original 13" rims (Bay Area),
Mark Hausler
- FYI: MK I body parts,
Dan Bubb
- Here we go again....Exhaust manifold coatings?,
Nate Mellom
- MFA question (what about boost),
Cory Langford
- Dyno: Will the printed output produce a Torque graph?,
T Berk
- intake manifold coatings. outcome,
Brian Wagner
- brake lights,
Jerry Carter
- Throttle Cable,
- Ebay dibs - S Spoiler,
Marc Peterson
- 50mm intake manifold for sale,
Steffen Becker
- lip spoiler,
- Last chance before eBay!! 2-1 downpipe,
Nate Mellom
- Speaking of rare items . . . ;-),
- double posting?,
Krazy Horse
- thermostat question,
- [Re: [OT] Girl Scout cookies.],
Cathy Boyko
- [double posting?],
Cathy Boyko
- I've been let down by my neighbors to the,
Eric L Ellis
- What WON'T they put a fuba on?,
Eric L Ellis
- MFA question (Long....),
Gabriel Avila
- Dallas Sighting,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- WTB: 16v exhaust manifold (welding?),
Eric L Ellis
- [tech] OIl guage,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [dumb frenchman question] Horn!,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [eBay] Another one of these Digifizzle speedos,
Eric L Ellis
- serial needed: Medal of Honor: Allied Assault,
Scott F. Williams
- It Pays to Keep Yer Mail Sometimes...,
R.J. Tremor
- Motor mount needed in Saint Louis,
- Scirocco desktop backgrounds,
- source for mexican ETKA?,
- Something I bought in Mexico,
- Scirocco-l digest, Vol 1 #25 - 174 msgs,
Tim at ND
- [sighting] newbie- (non-lister),
- oil pressure,
Tim at ND
- Front stress bar opinions,
Euroroc II
- 16v Cutting Out Above 4K (WOT),
John Erickson
- Cold start problems again =(,
Sebastian Liberona
- 16v ignition questions,
Chris M
- First Breakdown,
Kervin Ridgley
- Long Intake Runners - What are the Benefits?,
T Berk
- [web site] updated,
- CF Hood Question,
Dan Kraus
- From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
T Berk
- From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
- From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
T Berk
- From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
- [OT] Racing and Subarus, RE: From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
Lauri Pettai
- [OT] Racing and Subarus, RE: From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- [OT] Racing and Subarus, RE: From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
Neal Tovsen
- [OT] Racing and Subarus, RE: From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
Lauri Pettai
- [OT] Racing and Subarus, RE: From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd:CAR MOD HYPES #2],
Randy B
- [OT] Racing and Subarus, RE: From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
Lauri Pettai
- [OT] Subaru Impreza WRX-STi stats: was...,
Randy B
- [OT] Subaru Impreza WRX-STi stats: was...,
Kervin Ridgley
- [OT] Subaru Impreza WRX-STi stats: was...,
Lauri Pettai
- [OT] Racing and Subarus, RE: From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
Jeff Toomasson
- [OT] Racing and Subarus, RE: From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MOD HYPES #2],
Lauri Pettai
- [OT] Racing and Subarus, RE: From Subaru NewsGroup [Fwd: CAR MODHYPES #2],
T Berk
- Anyone Have experience with Komposit shift kit?,
- bilstein revalving,
- Silly Questions time: Cargo covers and spewing NOS?,
- bilstein revalving (suspension FS),
- Motronic HELP! - Fault Codes 92 16V Passat,
- oil light flashes,
- need center console for mk2 85 scirocco,
- WTF? unrecognized break-in attempt?,
Michael Abatzis
- [tech]: where's the leak?,
Michael Abatzis
- Last Rites... Crying Crying Crying,
Marc scirocco Québec
- Knock sensor upgrade,
Kervin Ridgley
- [Favor] 16V Measurement needed...,
Cheapass Ron Pieper
- Pulling a 16v,
Krazy Horse
- [sighting] wow! (TPA),
- Fw: Stress bars legal in FSP, was Re: Front stress bar opinions,
- [scirocco content I promise] check this out!,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- DFW shops & a self-machining tranny,
Benjamin Wood
- new member, rebuilding questions-,
Rob Cotner
- unsubscribe 9659,
Isidro lepez
- quick 16v motor mount question...,
- The Rocco seems to have devolped a.......,
Erik Patterson
- NEEDED! Thermotime switch for 16v!,
josh Wyte
- Identifying a Quaife,
Cory Langford
- ACK! Broken new euro adjusters!!!,
Josh Hignight
- G60 M.C. into 85 scirocco...,
Josh Hignight
- Oil leak - please help,
Sebastian Liberona
- Sighting in Bethesda MD,
- Sidewall flex (psi)...,
Josh Hignight
- Valve Clearance?,
- [OT] A1 cabby engine converions questions,
Brian McGarvey
- Tech/Purchase City Lights (and a Free Shiner Bock),
Brian Wagner
- hey..w00t!,
Josh Able
- crossmember bar,
Eric L Ellis
- [Re: crossmember bar],
Cathy Boyko
- Waterfest...RE: new guy rocks the boat. (he he),
Scott F. Williams
- [OT] Hey! Find the old man a job!,
Cheapass Ron Pieper
- attn:Daun........RECAROS,
Josh Able
- cams ala xerox, anyone???,
Scott F. Williams
- [WTF? unrecognized break-in attempt?],
Cathy Boyko
- [Re: Silly Questions time: Cargo covers and spewing NOS?],
Cathy Boyko
- Wheel spacer Q,
Scott F. Williams
- '81 wing pics.....can anyone ID this wing?,
Nate Mellom
- '81 wing pics.....can anyone ID this wing?,
Jeffrey Lowe
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- '81 wing pics.....can anyone ID this wing?,
- More List Gatherings?,
Marc Getty
- SF BAy Area this Wed Re: More List Gatherings?,
T Berk
- SF BAy Area this Wed Re: More List Gatherings?,
Craig Williams
- SF BAy Area this Wed Re: More List Gatherings?,
Kevin Collins
- SF BAy Area this Wed Re: More List Gatherings?,
T Berk
- SF BAy Area this Wed Re: More List Gatherings?,
Neal Tovsen
- SF BAy Area GTG this Wed (tonight) Re: More ListGatherings?,
Randy B
- SF BAy Area GTG this Wed (tonight) Re: More List Gatherings?,
Jeff Toomasson
- SF BAy Area GTG this Wed (tonight) Re: More List Gatherings?,
T Berk
- SF BAy Area this Wed Re: More List Gatherings?,
Mark Hausler
- SF BAy Area this Wed Re: More List Gatherings?,
- More List Gatherings?,
Shawn C Meze
- More List Gatherings?,
Kevin Collins
- More List Gatherings?,
- Transmission question,
Patrick Downs
- Transmission question,
Cheapass Ron Pieper
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Transmission question,
Joe Doty
- Transmission question,
Brian Wagner
- Transmission question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Transmission question,
Dan Bubb
- Transmission question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Transmission question,
Dan Bubb
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
Cheapass Ron Pieper
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
Benjamin Harder
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
16V Jason
- Message not available
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
16V Jason
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
Cheapass Ron Pieper
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
Benjamin Harder
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
Daun Yeagley
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
Randy B
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
Kevin Collins
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
- Transmission question,
Dan S
- Transmission question,
Brian Wagner
- Transmission question,
Patrick Downs
- Transmission question,
- Transmission question,
Brian Wagner
- [wtb] 16v distributor & rabbit parts,
Foxx (in a box
- OT:Anybody lookin for a impreza 2.5 rs,
Scott Rose
- SF BAy Area this Wed Re: More List Gatherings?,
Tobias ><
- [Fwd: SPAM FS: my cars],
T Berk
- Rev Limiter,
Erik Patterson
- sending international money overseas the easy way!,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- free 1.6 Short block in Miami,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Black Scirocco at Junk yard,
Donald Walter
- Close ratio wanted,
Mike Blain
- [eBay] For those watching the Zender wing...,
Eric L Ellis
- CIS-E question,
Marc Peterson
- Still Cuttin' Out Above 4K (16v),
John Erickson
- Is my fuel enrichment working?,
Josh Hignight
- 8v Transmission upgrade? WAS: Transmission Question,
Joe Doty
- OT - Subaru [Fwd: wrx stock vs. sti differences],
T Berk
- I just paid WAY too much freakin' money for a book!!,
Nate Mellom
- Everyone on the list....please read this. Congress wants our cars!!!!,
Nate Mellom
- Everyone on the list....please read this. Congress wants our cars!!!!,
Tobias ><
- That Congress thing....,
Nate Mellom
- Mk2 magazine reviews,
Kevin Collins
- [Fwd: Free GTI Trans],
T Berk
- Congress wants our cars!!!!,
- Scirocco reviews now on the web...,
- passenger side motor mount trick...,
- very OT: Budget Rice,
- [16v][tech] Injector seals,
Chris M
- Anyone know where to lookup VIN stuff Free?,
Curtis Schofield
- Pretender to the Scirocco.Org Throne?,
T Berk
- antenna reception,
Jorel Jackson
- R & P steering bushing,
- Coilover springs, more rates,
- Kamei X1 steering, its installed!,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- rocco 16v cutaway drawing/t-shirt,
- Kevin Collins / Internet Fraud,
Richard Deede
- what rebuilding kit to use?,
Rob Cotner
- Clutch life, was 8v Transmission upgrade?,
Bill Collins
- Everyone on the list....please read this. Congress wants ourcars!!!!,
- '87 16v Side Moulding Wanted,
Craig Bodie
- Dibs-if any listers aren't bidding on these (Fw: eBay Auction Watch Status as of Jan-29-02 09:40:16 PST),
Jeff Toomasson
- Everyone on the list....please read this. Congress wants ourcars!!!!,
Ian Overholt
- [tech] Engine Balancing,
Benjamin Harder
- SF BAy Area GTG this Wed (tonight) Re: More List Gatherings?,
Tobias ><
- More List Gatherings?,
Joe Doty
- GTG,
- Mirror Replacements,
Cory Langford
- Columbus, OH and Florida listers...,
Josh Hignight
- The Eric Ellis "How NOT to make your own fiberglass hood",
Eric L Ellis
- snowed on roc...,
Josh Hignight
- L.A.-based listers: Mechanic recommendations?,
Christopher Mueller
- Changing Symptoms,
John Erickson
- Who was Selling the Borbets?,
Curtis Schofield
- Motronic conversion FS,
- Stripper needed,
- [Fwd: [scirocco] Rocco for sale in UK],
T Berk
- AOL/AIM messenger and Trillian,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- Auction for 86 Scirocco in MD,
ATS - Patrick Bureau
- No Mail,
Brian Wagner
- [OT] Z3 badge removal?,
Josh Hignight
- I F*&king hate UPS - rant,
Jeff Toomasson
- obligitory... TEST...,
Brian McGarvey
- OT: C & D and other magazines,
- any listers near Antioch? Need a HUGE Favor,
Jeff Toomasson
- Sorry - Was: any listers near Antioch? Need a HUGE Favor,
Jeff Toomasson
- new guy rocks the boat. (he he),
Cormie, Paul
- Cams and California - which ones to buy?,
Jeff Toomasson
- new guy rocks the boat. (he he),
Julie Macfarlane
- 3 point harness question,
Dan Kraus
Mail converted by MHonArc