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Where's Tosha, er Waldo? was: Help! Anyone [ELSE] in the bay area
Welcome to the Al Malventano club of 'spend at least one night in jail due
to driving scirocco on suspended license that shouldnt have been suspended'.
----- Original Message -----
From: "T Berk" <tberk@mindspring.com>
To: "Night Shadow" <soltwede@privateI.com>
Cc: "Scirocco List" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 1:24 PM
Subject: Where's Tosha, er Waldo? was: Help! Anyone [ELSE] in the bay area
> Night Shadow wrote:
> >
> > Tosha was supposed to help me by checking out a car for me, but I
> > heard from him in a couple of days. <snip>
> Well, I was unobtainiumed by the local Palo Alto police around
> midnight on the 2nd of Jan.
> "Sir?, did you know you had a suspended license?"
> "Not anymore Officer, I cleared up the old ticket and have my
> abstracts to prove it, (at home <DOH!>)" "Your computerized system
> should reflect that"
> "Well you have this opened case of beer in the back seat and there are
> at least two empty bottles in it..."
> Well, Yes there are but as you can plainly see those opened bottles
> are dry since they were drained on New Year's Eve, two days ago..."
> "Well, be that as it may we are still going to tow your car and you
> can explain it to the judge..."
> Ten days plus Ten more days = 15 days (Driving on a suspended and
> driving across double yellow lines while on a suspended (Did Not!, Did
> TOO!) After I got the judge tiered of hearing the logical explanation
> he overlapped the last 5 days, and then after I got into my classy
> Green and Bright Orange 'outfit' I signed up for cabinetry to keep
> busy they dumped my ass out this morning at the crack of dawn. <sigh>
> You know it's bad when you cant stay Out of jail and when you find
> Minimum Security w/ perks aint sooo bad for a day or two you can't
> stay IN jail either. Damn.
> Well anyway, more revenue enhancement for my local court officials,
> see?- I'm doing my part to strengthen the Economy.
> TBerk
> Overheard in the hallways: 'He's having too much damn fun here, get
> rid of him...'
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