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Where's Tosha, er Waldo? was: Help! Anyone [ELSE] in the bay area
Night Shadow wrote:
> Tosha was supposed to help me by checking out a car for me, but I haven't
> heard from him in a couple of days. <snip>
Well, I was unobtainiumed by the local Palo Alto police around
midnight on the 2nd of Jan.
"Sir?, did you know you had a suspended license?"
"Not anymore Officer, I cleared up the old ticket and have my
abstracts to prove it, (at home <DOH!>)" "Your computerized system
should reflect that"
"Well you have this opened case of beer in the back seat and there are
at least two empty bottles in it..."
Well, Yes there are but as you can plainly see those opened bottles
are dry since they were drained on New Year's Eve, two days ago..."
"Well, be that as it may we are still going to tow your car and you
can explain it to the judge..."
Ten days plus Ten more days = 15 days (Driving on a suspended and
driving across double yellow lines while on a suspended (Did Not!, Did
TOO!) After I got the judge tiered of hearing the logical explanation
he overlapped the last 5 days, and then after I got into my classy
Green and Bright Orange 'outfit' I signed up for cabinetry to keep
busy they dumped my ass out this morning at the crack of dawn. <sigh>
You know it's bad when you cant stay Out of jail and when you find
Minimum Security w/ perks aint sooo bad for a day or two you can't
stay IN jail either. Damn.
Well anyway, more revenue enhancement for my local court officials,
see?- I'm doing my part to strengthen the Economy.
Overheard in the hallways: 'He's having too much damn fun here, get
rid of him...'