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[Scirocco-l] Re: Santa gift to Uncle Rocco
I know what you are trying to get across, but the fact remains that the
older a vehicle is, the more more maintenance it requires in order to remain
reliable. Ergo, the older the car, the more unreliable it is.
Most of us would give careful consideration before jumping in our 'rocs and
heading across country ( hey, I know many would DO it, but we WOULD give it
a thought first), yet we would also jump in a 2001, or a 1999, car or truck
and take off after tanking it up: just assuming it would make it. (and it
probably would).
It boils down to this: every minute a component on/in your car operates, it
is one minute closer to failing.
For whatever reason, older cars are less reliable. Period.
Larry sandiego16V
> > OK, I'll admit it. I drive a FULL SIZE Chevy G20van. My love for A1
VW's is
> > profound, but their age doesn't make them reliable.
> I hate to disagree here, but, age of a vehicle has little to do with
> reliability, its design of the vehicle and maintenance.
> There are only so many things that can break on a car, and if all of them
> are replaced before they have a chance to fail, then the car is reliable.
> My daily driver is a 81 rabbit diesel pickup truck, i rebuilt the engine,
> replaced all the brakes (including hard lines), replaced 2 of 4 wheel
> bearings, & on & on.
> If it does fail, its not because its an A1 but because I overlooked an
> item that needs replacing or rebuilding (i'm using older coolant hoses &
> an older alternator)
> However, I used to drive ONLY aircooled VW's for the past 6 years or so,
> and the reliability of those I had problems with, but that was due to 2
> things, the design of the engines is rather antiquated and they are by
> design higher maintenance, and when its 15 degrees out i'd put it
> off. And, I was too cheap to buy some of the new parts I probably neded,
> thus when those parts gave me problems i had no-one to blame but myself ;)
> So, from my persepective an A1 is new and plenty reliable, but everyone
> has different faith in their mechanical & diagnostic abilities and
> threshold for annoyances, if my a1 crapped out on me majorly like my bus
> has once or twice, I might go get in line at the VW dealer or audi dealer
> for a new ride... but it wouldnt be the cars fault, it'd be mine for
> neglecting maintenance or cheaping out on new parts ;)
> take care,
> Steve
> Fashion Twins, activate! form of: a lemming.
> http://westfailure.org
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