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Weird electrical problem
Im leaning in that load reduction relay failure direction, with possible
intermittent contact on one of the ignition switch contacts. I know, not
likely both could happen at the same time, but possible.
Also possible is the load reduction relay being tripped when its not
supposed to be.
----- Original Message -----
From: "L. M. Lloyd" <ubik@austin.rr.com>
To: "Scirocco List" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 7:47 PM
Subject: Weird electrical problem
> Hash: SHA1
> Sorry I haven't been very active on the list lately. I had a producer
> pull out of my current film, so now I am having to shoulder the
> entire burden myself, leaving me no money and almost no time, so the
> car hasn't been touched in a while.
> Anyway, on to my problem. On my '88 16v, I have a very odd problem.
> My auxiliary electrical systems are being very flaky. Now the
> headlights, turn signals, and all the necessary electronics work
> fine, but all the secondary systems are malfunctioning in some sort
> of odd connected way. It is a little complicated, so please bear with
> me on this. For example, if I just start the car then my power
> windows, windshield wipers, hazard lights and AC blower don't work at
> all, except the blower will work only on the highest setting.
> However, the squirter for the rear window will work, but not the
> wiper, and the power locks always work. If, on the other hand, I pull
> the intermittent wiper relay out of the relay panel before starting
> the car, then the power windows and AC blower work fine unless the
> headlights are on. If the headlights are on and the wiper relay is
> removed, then the AC blower will not work on anything but the
> highest setting, and the power windows will only work if the blower
> is off. Of course the wipers won't work without the wiper relay, but
> the hazards never work no matter what.
> Now going through the wiring diagram, I can't find anything but
> perhaps the load reduction relay that could be effecting all these
> different systems. I have checked all my fuses and they are all fine,
> and I just finished putting in a new alternator, so I know that isn't
> the problem. The battery is also fairly new, and seems to have a good
> charge, so I don't think that is the problem. All of these problems
> started showing up at the same time a couple of weeks ago, and at
> first the windshield wipers were just flaky, but now they just don't
> work at all.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> The goal is to overcome the deliberate nature of the process.
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