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lol!, My heater actually works
yeah, My non-AC car doesn't coles it's vents for nobody! and there's =
no way
to clost them either (the stupid switch busted off at the other end) =
this isn't nessecarily a bad thing 'casue I'm thinking that if I did =
the things, I wouldn't be able to see out if I didn't open a window o=
something. Why is it that the Mk1 without AC seems to have teh worst =
of any car ever designed? I'm guessing it's 'cause back then the desi=
knew that I'd get one and they all got together and said "Let's piss =
off, yeah, that'll be fun!" either that or some small furry woodland
creature decided to build a nest in the intake for the heating system=
, thus
preventing any air from coming in to defrost the window, all the whil=
thinking, "This will piss Jerry off!" Ah, isn't Karma a good thing?
Jerry Carter
'81 Mk1 Scirocco
----- Original Message -----
=46rom: "D=E9sinor Jean-Claude" <desinor@sympatico.ca>
To: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: lol!, My heater actually works
> So it looks like the vents auto-close only on AC equipped cars.
> Jean-Claude
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