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Prepping for Car Work was: [Re: Silly Questions time: Cargo covers andspewing NOS?]

Julie Macfarlane wrote:
> And just to add my 0.2, don't use acryllic nails. Put them on and your car
> will break!

Well, as in most of my reasoning; natural is better.

Let them there nails breath FREE woman!

- Soap under the nails prior too helps later. as does a good coat of

- Surgical gloves help a lot, try Latex Free, dustless.

- There is a product called, uh, um, I forget- some kind of 'Glove'
thing, it goes on like lotion and glue and lays under the dirt. Come
cleanup it helps to float all the grime off.

- Afterwards there is this new stuff in a purple squeeze tube that is
like elmers and rubber cement, it clings to the dirt and rolls up like
little balls and away onto the ground. Poof.

- For junk yard runs I like to keep a canvas apron in the 'boot', it has
pockets and I keep a handy set of duplicate common tools in it;
crescent, screwdriver or three, hex key set, heavy wire cutters, etc. A
couple of those gloves, ec.

- I haven't yet but plan on getting a monkey suit I can jump into, right
now I have two sets of grubbies (old jeans, etc.) so one is available. 
