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OT: intent...WAS Re: [Re: Oh baby!]
Why do people believe we are running out of oil, it is a joke.
The US is sitting on top off some of the largest reserves in the world. We
import oil for two reason one is a cost factor (you know same reason we
import everything else, labor is cheaper in foreign countries) and two
eventually their oil will diminish and you know what OPEC goes away and we
rule the market. Currently the us reserves are vast just difficult to work
and until the demand goes up as well as the price oil companies will sit on
And the reason France and Germany both want to wait for a resolution is
simple. Both countries want to Saddam time to hide all the shit they have
sold them France =Nuclear, Geramny = Chemical.
Believe me it has nothing to do with the oil.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Basterfield" US natural oil
> resources are running out making the US increasingly dependant on the
> Middle East.
> > > --Andrew22
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