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OT: intent...WAS Re: [Re: Oh baby!]

On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 20:37:22 -0800
Shawn c Meze <skerocdriver@juno.com> wrote:

> Oh, do tell me how it is oil that is on Bush's agenda? 
> Does anyone not realize its the French and Germans who have a vested
> interest in the oil of Iraq? (Also note that these are the 2 biggest
> anti Iraq war countries, coincidence? no.) 

The French & German IMHO want no disruption in oil supply short-term.
The US is looking for control long term. I'm sure the US consumes much
more oil/capita than either France or Germany, and the US natural oil
resources are running out making the US increasingly dependant on the
Middle East.

> So if it is a war for oil its for those 2 countries. If it was Oil we
> were after dont you think we would of just taken it from the Kuwait
> after the gulf war?

The US could not just take oil from the Saudis, doing so would be an act
of aggression. If the US was not dependent on the Saudis for oil they
would not have bailed them out in Desert Storm. I'm sure the Saudis show
their gratitude for Desert Storm in trade relations with the US. The
Bush family business (apart from presidency) is oil, and I'm sure in the
Bush family the Iraq issue is personal.

> Im kinda sick of hearing about how its for oil for
> the US. I watched a French news broadcast of their views on the US's.
> Sickening. Allies? With friends like the French, they might as well
> join the doomed Iraqi's in their trenches. Wont be a long war, trust
> me. 

Public opinion of the US is not good in Europe. Before 11 sep the Bush
administration did not try to make friends in Europe. After his previous
isolationist behaviour Bush now has little support from the UN. In
Europe we preferred Clinton.

> And today in the German news paper they printed a statement from
> German companies that admit to selling and shipping equipment to make
> WMD's under the pretenses that they were "agricultural equipment".
> Thanks for that. 

The US has supplied arms to Iraq to fight Iran.

> The UN is a joke. The french want another resolution and more
> inspectors. What a complete waste of time. How many resolutions does
> one madman need to blatently ignore, lie and decieve before the UN
> does something? DOES ANYTHING? The UN is spineless. Time to desolve
> the UN. 

You can't resolve situations by force, you just make a bigger mess. The
UN was set up so all member nations act as one in these situations. The
US knows if it goes into Iraq against the wishes of the other members of
the UN it will do so by itself and will damage it's relations with the
international community. The US wants to lead the UN into battle as in
Desert Storm, but without UN support it may yet turn into another

The UN is not spineless or the US would ignore it and attack anyway. All
the members of the UN have a commitment to piece, that includes the US
and it means it just can't go invading people.

> Dont get me wrong, I dont want a war but im not willing to stand by
> and wait for his plans to come into focus. We did nothing befoer 9-11
> happened. Never again.

11 sep was unrelated to war in Iraq.
