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Re: Replacing Axles & Bearings as a Whole WAS: Scirocco T-shirts

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 22:50:33 -0700 T Berk <tberk@mindspring.com> writes:

>Scirocco content:

Oh goodie...

>My Question:  Is it just that much easier to replace the axle with CVs
>installed or better to 'roll my own'?  The cost isn't the only point,

Oh hell yes! Its so much easier to remove and install an axle than it is
to remove, replace/repack both CV's and reinstall. 

There used to be a time when this was the cheaper method as well but it
seems that somebody in the automotive industry has decided that selling
items like alternators, brakes and axles with a lifetime warranty for
cheap is a good thing. Whatever, works for us!

Yesterday I had to replace an alternator on a Jeep Cherokee. $78 for the
alternator and a $60 core charge! They really wanted the core back pretty
bad. Still, not bad considering that if it ever fails again, you get a
new one. 

Same thing with axles. I haven't priced out a reman axle in a while but
it seems that its about the same price as buying 4 new german made CV's
with synthetic grease. Your loss would be the labor and NO warranty. 

Its a weights and measurements thing. 

>There's the idea of quality control, spec'ing my own standards like the
>use of synthetic bearing grease and new OEM parts as opposed to reman 
>or reconditioned stuff.

This is true but you failed to consider that it doesn't matter what's in
there, its got a lifetime warranty. So what if it fails! Throw another
axle in there and your done. If the CV boot rips, you get a NEW axle! I
like that deal myself.  

I would suspect that the CV's are 3rd generation Mexican made and the CV
grease is whatever is cheapest on the market. 

Nothing wrong with that combination really but its not what you choose
for your ride.

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!

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