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Re: Scirocco T-shirts. WAS [time for a real car]
> I reject your apology. Its not neccessary.
Okay, well at the time, it felt necessary. :)
> On the contrary, I knew you meant it as a joke and I
> simply should of
> just not said anything. I guess you could say I had
> a rough day and
> taking it out on you was wrong.
I can see how you can get agitated by it. It's no
problem whatsoever. I can fly off the handle like that
> So I offer my apology for any ill feelings I might
> have caused.
Don't worry Shawn, it's all good! I was just confused
a bit, but now everything is back in order! :)
Paul Maione (Rump Rocker)
Scirocco 86' 8v (Ready to Roll :)
E-Mail - mmaion@po-pox.mcgill.ca
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