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Re: HOR's suck!!! and you pay for it)->Was "don't suck"
On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 10:17:53 -0400 Kathy Teulie
<104372.1061@compuserve.com> writes:
>I hate to be the bad guy but my Autotech rear bar broke in 1/2
>last year. The threds pulled out. Autotech replaced the bar for me
>but not for free. The bar broke because I had a wheel in my trunk
>and it hit it when I stopped. I Have an EuroSport one in my MK1
>and have no problems with it,
I have the eurosport rear bar on my Roc.
I bought it to keep my racing tires from rolling into the back of my
seat. (I didn't have a rear seat back or the roll bar when I first
started racing and hurried stopping was...well.... not any fun.)
So this mod was an absolute must for my car. Its still very usable and
has taken a beating from tires over the years and still is as solid as
the day I installed it. The only thing that is wrong with the eurosport
bar is, the Eurosport sticker is long gone but the powercoating remains.
>BTW Kevin has H&R's on his MK2. I like H&R springs!!! That is what I
>will get for my MK2!!!
Hmm! I have the Neuspeed race springs that were made by H&R. (ooooh a
rare find, im so lucky... ohhhhh.)
After 4 years of hard driving and close to 100,000 miles, they are still
as good as the day I installed them.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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