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Replacing Axles & Bearings as a Whole WAS: Scirocco T-shirts
> I reject your apology. Its not neccessary.
Wish I coulda got one of these. Gotta work on those karma points some
Scirocco content:
Gotta bad CV joint due to blown out boot and it's starting to click at
low speeds. That along with at least one, if not three roaring bearings
means I'll be doing the whole shebang, instead of just the shocks,
springs, and bearings like I thought at 1st.
My Question: Is it just that much easier to replace the axle with CVs
installed or better to 'roll my own'? The cost isn't the only point,
There's the idea of quality control, spec'ing my own standards like the
use of synthetic bearing grease and new OEM parts as opposed to reman or
reconditioned stuff.
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