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Re: Scirocco T-shirts. WAS [time for a real car]
Night Shadow wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Shawn C Meze wrote:
> > Um, I dunno. We havent exactly set anything in stone other than the hotel
> > were gonna stay at.
> Are you guys going up on Sat? Staying in that hotel both Sat and Sun
> nights? (can we say repeat of WaterFest?)
> > I kinda wanted to repeat last years festivities at Chevy's Restraunt.
> > The table is open, anyone have an idea as to what we should do (as
> > a fairly large group to remember.) on the evening of may 1st.
> >
> > Options:
> > 1) Dinner/drinks ar Chevy's
> Sounds cool
> > 2) ?????????
> Any amusment parks are anything like that close by?
Yepper - Great America is like 5 miles up the road from ND. They are
about $35 to get in but I'm pretty sure discounts can be obtained; I
went at the beginning of the season with a $10 off coupon and see $6
off(ers) all the time. ( I have a niece working there but not sure if
she's got the hook up yet. :)
As for mixed drinks, maybe I can find the Southbay spot for items which
are blue in color. Kinda fun to drink Windex out of a martooni glass.
Don't know if a trek to SF might be in order.
> > 3) ?????????
> Is there a Dave & Busters out there? Man those are cool as shit
> Eric
Gimme some idea of why they're cool, I'm sure we have the same thing up
this way.
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