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ARP head stud questions...
LEF wrote:
> I'm not arguing with anyone...
You're also not helping anyone, except yourself.
> you appear to be the only person doing that. I'm stated my opinion
> and why I felt that way.
Opinions are common, and facts are short, esp. in the three quick-fire
posts you made. I 'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else, but your
'opinion' was not helpful, nor was it on the mark (no pun intended).
> If I've learned one thing in my short life, it's to not believe
> everything you hear/read....even if it comes from supposed experts,
> like ARP.
> Especially if it just doesn't sound right.
Wait a minute. An engineer is basing an argument on how a measure
'sounds'? By all means Larry, if you HAVE an opinion, PLEASE present
like one. You have done well not to throw around the 'E' word, but what
you did not do in this case was present this as 'your opinion.' I think
Mark would be more pissed than I was if he actually followed your
advice, and that -is- why we are here, to learn and to help.
> And the torque values bandied about here don't sound right to me....
> That's why I advise getting all the information the user possibly can
> before using these fasteners.
...-From the original manufacturer, indeed.
> David, why are taking this so personally?? What is it that I don't
> have a clue about? I didn't tell Mark what torque to use, what I said
> was be careful of the value you ultimately use.
You didn't post your own torque recommendation, which is good. I will
grant you that.
> And, what is this replying to someone's opinion with foul language
> and personal insults. Grow up, David, this isn't the second grade,
> and your habit is getting tiresome.
What habit are you speaking of? I rarely curse, and when I do,
hopefully I don't offend the list. If I do, feel free to tell me and I
will adjust my posting. As an adult, I can modify my behavior.
> If you don't like my opinion, the adult way to respond is like this:
> "I disagree, and here's why: ________ ". ...even if you are getting
> frustrated.
> larry
> sandiego16v
I disagree, and here's why. You don't know what is the correct torque
value for those studs, you have not used a set, and you have not read up
on it. If you are keen on 1) having folks listen to you, or 2) helping,
wouldn't you be best served to educate yourself instead of offering
opinions? Last I knew, there are 400 plus folks on this list, and if
everyone offered their opinion with the same frequency... Well, I am
sure you can understand. It would be harder to find the meat of the
list over the fodder.
As for my lashing out, it was indeed out of character for me, and out of
line. However, I still believe my irritation is well-founded. Feel
free to listen and hear me, or tune me out.