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ARP head stud questions...
I'm not arguing with anyone...you appear to be the only person doing that. I'm stated my opinion and why I felt that way.
If I've learned one thing in my short life, it's to not believe everything you hear/read....even if it comes from supposed experts, like ARP.
Especially if it just doesn't sound right. And the torque values bandied about here don't sound right to me....
That's why I advise getting all the information the user possibly can before using these fasteners.
David, why are taking this so personally?? What is it that I don't have a clue about? I didn't tell Mark what torque to use, what I said was be careful of the value you ultimately use.
And, what is this replying to someone's opinion with foul language and personal insults. Grow up, David, this isn't the second grade, and your habit is getting tiresome.
If you don't like my opinion, the adult way to respond is like this: "I disagree, and here's why: ________ ". ...even if you are getting frustrated.
Could you please search on a topic before you demonstrate that you
don't have a fucking clue? ARP studs are special, forged headbolts,
they are not stretch at all. Therefore, since they made the fucking
things I think they might have an idea of how *best* to use *their*
product. if you disagree, you are arguing with Smokey Yunick (sp?), not
me or Mark. Sorry man, but to do anything else but reply in the manner I have chosen
would be MATURE... :-P David
(FIXED) :)