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OT: Oil companies
I would have to say that you're wrong. In our modern context the Term
American has become synonymous with the United States of America. Them / we
don't call ourselves United Statesians. That would be preposterous.
Likewise as a born and raised Canadian with a few fringe benefits on the
side as an "American", I prefer to be referred to as Canadian, a unique and
independant political, geographical, and just plain old smarter devision of
North America. I would also like to point out that it is an insult to be
refered to as American when you're Canadian. Not the same kind of insult as
being called a Newfy when you're from Nova Scotia, that's just all in good
fun. No, I mean the deepest insult a Canadian can endure is to be confused
with an American, speaking as both, lived in both, and understanding both, I
still feel the sting that all Canadians feel when they are called Americans,
or worse yet, America's little brother. Canadians know how the rest of the
world sees the US, but Americans, for that is exactly what they are, have
made a name for themselves around the world that a true Canadian avoids like
the plague. Think the James Bond film "the Man with the Golden Gun" where
he hops in the brand new AMC and chases Scaramanga and Nick Nack (the plane
boss) down the road, his passenger was a sherrif on vacation and though this
is a stereotype of the worst kind, there is much truth to that annoying
image, and yes, that image was put in there on purpose... and no, it doesn't
start the moment "Americans" leave their country, I am surrounded by
"Cowboyism" everyday. (Guns don't kill people, I kill people - Bumper
sticker). So, Technicalities of sharing a continent by a certain name?
Anne Coulter insisting that Canada is Priveledged to share this soil? Land
of the free? I'm ready to go home now.
Rant: off
The American who isn't
P.S. Just came back off of leave. Was in Toronto Getting married. She
used to visit me over the last two years whenever she liked because
Canadians don't need Visa's. Crossing the border, a member of the US
military, with my new wife in tow, she was denied at the border and forced
to stand at the Canadian side watching me and my sister drive off to Buffalo
Airport. My sister picked her up in tears an hour later. We asked everyone
we could think of what we needed to do before hand and no one could help.
Now she's not allowed to cross until I figure out the paperwork. We had
only been married for 24 hours. That was last week, so I'm still mad.
Rave Racer
'81 Scirocco Mk1 1.8L Digifant 2
'89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX gone but not forgotten
'87 Audi 4000 Quattro
'72 Triumph GT6
'83 Toyota Tercel (yoda) Why? It was FREE!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Bunch" <scirocco@mindspring.com>
To: <roccit_53@scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca>; " Mark F. " <mk1mark@gmail.com>
Cc: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 20:53
Subject: Re: OT: Oil companies
> In another century, the one in which Sciroccos were born (exactly 1974), I
> first encounterd this who is an "American" question.
> I was Aircraft Commander of a US Army aircraft flying near Southampton in
> England, when I heard an "American voice" reporting approach to another
> nearby airfield. Later, I met the "American voice." He turned out to have
> been what I would have theretofore called Canadian. Being a United
> Statesian in England trying to learn their language, that officer really
> grabbed my attention when I said: "Oh, I thought you were an American!"
> His reply was: "I am!"
> And he was.
> This entire continent, northernmost to southernmost, is America.
> That includes Canada: the northernmost Americans.
> The USA is , let's say it correctly, The United States OF America.
> There is no argument. The USA is only part of the whole.
> Certainly it is a sovereign part of America that I have and have sworn to
> defend, but the the USA is not AMERICA!
> Forget the song. It applies to all. Penguins to polar bears.
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