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Now plugs and missing, Was: question about oil filter change
-----Original Message-----
From: C Boyko [mailto:roccit_53@scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca]
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 11:37 AM
To: Dan Bubb
Cc: Scirocco-l@scirocco.org; fahrvegnugen@cox.net; rocco16@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Now plugs and missing, Was: question about oil filter change
Since we're into "the basics" of tune up here, a question about plugs.
Is there an online source for a chart listing plug temperatures, and a
corresponding list showing how this relates to our engines?
The reason I ask, I'm still ruling out "the cause of the miss". It has
become my life's work, and will have me in the nuthouse shortly.
Yesterday was "swap out the ENTIRE ignition", again, to plain TCiH from the
knock sensing version. And guess what? The miss is still there. Different
coil, new plug wires, new distributor, harness, you name it, there's even a
direct source of 12V from the battery. (the anti-kill switch). Fuel system
is also essentially new, wiring to all parts have been checked, and the car
runs better, but still, there's the familiar miss on load. So maybe I have
a plug issue (well, I need to put that into the "what's not wrong" file.)
They are new, gapped properly, fit well, and all look identical and dull
yellow grey upon inspection. NGK Coppers, the engine's an RD build, so 10:1
Dull yellow-gray would mean it is a bit lean, I think... They should be a
bit more dark-gray or lightly dusted in black? I can't recall for sure.
If I were you, this is where I would begin.