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Now plugs and missing, Was: question about oil filter change

> Dull yellow-gray would mean it is a bit lean, I think...  They should
> be a bit more dark-gray or lightly dusted in black?  I can't recall
> for sure. If I were you, this is where I would begin.
> David

Well, I've had several knowledgeable people confirm my suspicion that they
were "normal", so there is some grey/black speckling, they're not fouled at
any rate. And the mix had been very rich, till I had five gas analyisis
done on it. It's out of whack again now, but most likely to the rich side
if the smell of the exhaust is indicative. Setting the mix is one place
where I miss having CIS-E on this car (no DPR/ no frequency valve to
measure from). 
