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Clutch woes---solved...

Well, I have no firm idea....  This is my first clutch...  Tranny work has 
always left me cold...

   I 'think' the trouble was that, the clutch began to 'shell', I heard the 
crunch...  I assume this because it began to bind?  Anyways, when I put my 
foot on the pedal, it went to the floor...  And then I could not engage the 
clutch with it running/rolling, even if I pulled up the pedal...  Half the 
friction material went from the clutch plate to dust/debris elsewhere in the 
clutch assembly...  This meant that I had all sorts of slack now that was not 
present before it shelled on the one side...  And/or the clutch was engaged 
all  the time because that material was bunched-up in the mechanism...  To be 
honest, I don't know...  I do know that clutches do not look like that unless 
they are blown, that is about it!


Anyone else with an idea of how clutches/trannies work, inform us where I am 

Quoting "T. Reed" <treed2@wsu.edu>:

> > Well folks,
> >    It was the most obvoius thing of all the possibilities, and the most
> costly
> > both for time/money...  The clutch friction material on the flywheel side
> > disintergrated all at one...  This would explain why I heard the crunch,
> and
> > then mashed on the clutch pedal and it went to the floor...  I think one
> major
> > piece broke off, and then chewed its way all the way around, which gave me
> no
> > pedal resistance...
> Hmm, could you elaborate on the failure?
> I'm not quite seeing right off the bat here how what you've described
> translates in to a clutch pedal at the floor and a clutch that behaves
> like it is stuck 'engaged'?
> I'm just curious; please enlighten me! :)
> -Toby