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A/C Survey

OK, I know there has been some commenting about all this already, so if
everyone wants to keep this off list, just e-mail me directly.

I just converted my A/C over to r-134 and basicly is't cooler then the
outside air, but it's nothing to write home about.  I don't have a
digital thermometer or anything to check whats coming out of the vents,
but let's just say it's not enough for Ga heat.  Now I only put 2 can's
of coolent in the system and there are no leaks.  Would another half a
can or a whole 3rd can help make a difference?  

http://www.techography.com/scirocco (s.org forums)

88' Scirocco 16v (the void)
89' Cabriolet 8v (pretty bunneh)
71' Karmann Ghia (air sucker)