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RE: ['87 16v] recommended oil filters?

One word...


You put it together, you take it apart, you know what's in it.
And you don't have to keep buying oil filters.
Pegasus Racing sells them along with almost all race parts suppliers.

Randy B
81 (Mars) Scirocco S - Techtonics Tuning 1847cc 8V
81 (Cosmos) Scirocco S - future Oettinger 16V project
87 Jetta GLI 16V - daily driver 

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Aaron Ness [SMTP:aaron@makuta.com]
	Sent:	Wednesday, February 21, 2001 10:11 AM
	To:	'Ron Pieper'; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
	Subject:	RE: ['87 16v] recommended oil filters?

	As a supplier to the automotive industry, I can say that price is
	considered at least as important as quality.  While it's true that
OEMs have
	very high quality standards compared to what they were several years
	(Ford is adopting 6 sigma quality standards, meaning 3.4 defects per
	million), there is constant pressure on suppliers to meet low price
	and continually grant cost reductions.  In fact, many of you are
	aware that Chrysler recently demanded a 5% across-the-board
cost-down, with
	another cost-down to follow in the future.  At some point in all
	squeezing, suppliers have to begin using cheaper materials and
	because the other side of the coin is labor demanding a higher wage,
	for the same work.  It becomes very difficult to maintain quality
and make a

	Like you said, do (or look at) the research, and then decide what
you want
	to do for your car, not what the OEM was able to get the best price

	'82 Scirocco
	'70 Beetle
	'87 Jeep Cherokee 4.0

	> -----Original Message-----
	> From: owner-scirocco-l@scirocco.org
	> [mailto:owner-scirocco-l@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Ron Pieper
	> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 3:43 PM
	> To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
	> Subject: Re: ['87 16v] recommended oil filters?
	> I, for one, don't believe that auto manufacturers
	> always go for the "best."  They go for the cheapest
	> supplier who meets their criteria for specification
	> and delivery...not the one with the best product.
	> Therefore, I value the educated opinions of educated
	> individuals.  This guy had done some nice homework:
	> http://members.nbci.com/minimopar/oilfilterstudy.html
	> Ergo, Purolator for me!
	> Ron
	> --- David Liu <dyliu@pacbell.net> wrote:
	> >
	> >
	> > well, it's way overdue - i need an oil change!
	> >
	> > i can't remember what the shop recommended, but they
	> > yelled at me for using
	> > a fram filter (i know, i know.. i got lazy)
	> >
	> > so, any recommendations?
	> >
	> >
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	> >
	> >
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