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Re: new pics up
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 00:05:12 -0700 Kevin Collins <kevinc@flashcom.net>
>Yeah, I tried it from a dialup connection tonight for the first time
>here and at the office - I'm spoiled big-time) and it was horrible. And
>the pics are all compressed down to about 60k, which ain't bad..
The image file sizes are ideal. The problem is, there are so many images
that it will DL 2% of one image, stop, reconnect to Geocities, DL 2% of
another image, stop, reconnect to Geocities, DL 2% of another image,
stop, reconnect to Geocities....... That's what makes it so slow. (At
least for my connections it was.)
Thumbnails would probably be ideal for a gallery sort of page.
>> Actually, im hung like a rolled sunday newspaper. Thank you for
>Damn, that's quite a package! How do you walk around like that??
*sigh*. it aint easy. You noticed I carry the helmet around....
Actually, when Doug was taking that picture, I had just seen him and was
trying to back out of the way but it was too late. He had already took
the picture AND it was ultra wide angle. Its a goofy picture.
>I'm totally green at creating web pages, this is a first stab so it
>bad under the circumstances. I'll continue to refine it... I had already
>planned to either thumbnail the pics or put them on separate pages...
I understand. Im no pro at web page designs either and im completely self
taught as well. (I know it shows on my page but so what.)
You've got a good beginning so don't sweat it. if I can help, ask away.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
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