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Re: new pics up
On Mon, 19 Apr 1999 21:54:04 -0700 Kevin Collins <kevinc@flashcom.net>
>I've put some new pics up at my website.. I ain't no HTML wizard so no
>cut me some slack Jack.. right now it's mostly the Scirocco, but once
>new shoes arrive for the GTI at the end of the week, I'm going to go
>hog wild with GTI pics too.
Damn that loaded slow as hell.
>For any of you who have thought about putting up a site at one of the
>freebies like GeoCities, but think it's too much of a hassle, check out
>GeoCities' tool called GeoBuilder - it's so damn simple that even a
>can slap a page together.
True. The only bad thing about Geocities is its slow as a mug to load at
times. (MOST of the time its slow.) And theres the pop up ads that bug.
Dont delete them, just minimize them and you wont get another one if your
surfing into other pages on Geocities.
>Hey Shawn! That goofy picture of you and Potter standing next to my
>car is still there.. were you carrying a load in your pants that day or
Actually, im hung like a rolled sunday newspaper. Thank you for noticing.
>Comments/questions/flames all welcomed, URL below
If you include more pics, create a seperate page so they load faster OR
create clickable links to assist in the loading.
Just an idea.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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