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Re: lower stress bars
On Tue, 20 Apr 1999 07:01:31 -0700 (PDT) Matthew Yip <mgyip@yahoo.com>
>The fact that unless the stress is exactly perpendicular to the mounting
>points, it allows the unsupported lower suspension pickup points to
flex. The
>triangulated (4 point) version doesn't allow this to happen. To better
>illustrate this, think about the triangulated rear stress bar that has
>the recent topic of discussion. While it works without the
>it's effectiveness is reduced significantly.
There is probably alot of truth to what you said. I agree that the
mounting points will flex under the right conditions however, most
cornering loads will spread or constrict the mounting points (of the
lower control arms) in a way that the NS bar will control very well. I
know that when i've removed the bar from my Scirocco, I definitely feel
the difference. Much more so than the upper stress bar not being in
place. So for that reason I couldn't agree that the NS bar is worthless
or even remotely unworthy.
>The rationale for the 2 point bar being worthless is that it's cost is
>the same as the 4 point, triangulated version which is head and
>(ugh, a cliche) above the 2 point variety.
I can see this point. I don't agree that the 2 point bar is worthless. It
performs quite well for me and many others as well. I like the
adjustability of the heim joints. Not something you can have with the
stock bar.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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