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Re: new pics up
Shawn C Meze wrote:
> Damn that loaded slow as hell.
Yeah, I tried it from a dialup connection tonight for the first time (DSL
here and at the office - I'm spoiled big-time) and it was horrible. And
the pics are all compressed down to about 60k, which ain't bad..
> Actually, im hung like a rolled sunday newspaper. Thank you for noticing.
Damn, that's quite a package! How do you walk around like that??
> If you include more pics, create a seperate page so they load faster OR
> create clickable links to assist in the loading.
> Just an idea.
I'm totally green at creating web pages, this is a first stab so it ain't
bad under the circumstances. I'll continue to refine it... I had already
planned to either thumbnail the pics or put them on separate pages...
Kevin Collins
Huntington Beach, CA
'86.5 Scirocco 16V 2.0
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