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Re: tranny question
On 08 Apr 99 16:14:56 +0100 Jonas Karlsson <jkarlsso@metabolex.com>
>The slap was not directed at Shawn, but at SLINK. sorry if I missed, it
>was difficult to see through all the recent garbage and muck on the
Really? Not for me? <hurt>
>Very funny, but I do believe that I was here first. (sept 98-ish)
>Albeit, I was only contributing a little tid-bit here and there, but at
>least *my* posts were comprehensible and straight forward. But I guess
>that goes to show that clarity is not very memorable. :-) I'M NO
You mean to say we have 2 Jonas amongst us? Oh-my-gawd! I had no clue.
Sorry for my confusion there.
>But seriously, I live in the SF Bay area (south bay), my
>ride is an 85 8V, slightly tweaked engine and suspension, but nothing
>unusual. I will be at the ND show to answer any other questions.
>85 Scirocco
Kewl!! As you know, only the KEWL dudes will be at the ND show. (Well,
everybody except Eric but we'll let him come anyways. Mom says we have to
let him. aw-geez.)
I look foreward to meeting you!
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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