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RE: Re: tranny question
The slap was not directed at Shawn, but at SLINK. sorry if I missed, it
was difficult to see through all the recent garbage and muck on the
Anyway, the outburst was prompted by the following dialog, in which Meze
clearly forewarns of the reprecussions that I dealt out
>>Shawn C Meze wrote:
>> What are you taking out? (if you say "the Tranny" Jason will slap
>Slink <slink1@jps.net> writes:
>The transmission, there is noise coming from it, and knowing that my
>transmission falls under the years that vw had those that were due to
>fail I rather replace it.
Hope that this set it straight,
Now on for this;
Shawn C Meze wrote:
>Who is this Jonas guy? The Jonas *I* know posts things I cant
>read........... hmm.... Imposter I bet! :)
Very funny, but I do believe that I was here first. (sept 98-ish)
Albeit, I was only contributing a little tid-bit here and there, but at
least *my* posts were comprehensible and straight forward. But I guess
that goes to show that clarity is not very memorable. :-) I'M NO
IMPOSTER!! But seriously, I live in the SF Bay area (south bay), my ride
is an 85 8V, slightly tweaked engine and suspension, but nothing
unusual. I will be at the ND show to answer any other questions.
85 Scirocco
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