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Re: Waterfest Hotel for Scirocco list
hey Scott, anychance of another NJ meet up again sometime soon? I hope so.
Rich Deede
University Of Delaware (Communications)
1988 Scirocco 2.0 16v
1987 Scirocco 16v - R.I.P.
On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Scott F. Williams wrote:
> Hey, for alla y'all outta towners who wish to sleep fer cheap, my offer is out on
> the table again to crash at my pad. I live emmm, maybe 40 miles away from the new
> location? I'll be judging again this year, get ready to bribe me with Sam Adams
> or any decent microbrewed fare.
> Rich Deede wrote:
> > FairField? ok I'm gonna make my reservations first thing tomorrow.
> --
> Scott F. Williams
> NJ Scirocco nut
> SCCA ProRally driver
> Hotrod Rabbit GTi
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