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Dwell / Duty Cycle Q.
Yesterday after DEQ I stopped by my local Euro-FLAPS but they didn't
have a replacement idle screw or O-ring... sounds like hardware stores
don't quite have the right size either, but maybe I'll look the next
time I'm down with Ace.
I see what you are saying about backing off the tape and losing seal,
but when I wrapped the teflon tape I wound it fairly thick, and also
made a few turns of tape all the way up past the O-ring. I made sure to
wind the correct direction such that it would not unravel while
inserting the screw, and I noticed that when I back the screw off a bit,
the teflon stays put and does not turn anymore (the screw spins firmly
but smoothly in/out of it), so I don't think the tape got all gobbered
up the way it can when it's put on really thin.
At any rate, it seems to work; when I unwind the screw, the idle goes
up, and when I wind all the way CW it settles just fine at target idle
~900RPMs and is stable.
I hadn't cleaned out the ISV, maybe it's got some of that yellow snot in
it like what was in the crankcase breather hose and that's throwing off
the duty cycle #'s!
BTW no coolant sensor disconnect on CIS-E according to R.B.
Thanks everyone for letting me share my bellybutton lint, I think we're
under control ;)
- Camron from Vancouver, WA USA
'86.5 Black 16V 2.0L
Sean Whalen wrote:
> Hey Cam,
> You shouldn't have the idle screw in all the way, otherwise there is
> really no reason to have one. The Teflon tape is working because it's
> around the threads, that's why the screw bottoms before it's does
> anything. Now that you've backed it off the tape is essentially
> worthless, the compression of the tape is what makes it work. Of course
> I don't have my book with me again, but are you supposed to unplug the
> NTC coolant sensor for this test, I can't remember. As far as the
> hoses, I think that's it; the Bentley is just showing you a picture from
> an A-2, same difference. In fact I think you'd be a lot happier if your
> fuel system were on the passenger side; I know I hated the Scirocco side
> on my Cab, it was way to tight. One last thing, are you absolutely sure
> your O2 sensor is functioning properly. It threw Gordy and I for a
> while with mine. That and a broken wire to the coolant sensor that
> looked connected because it was still inside of it's boot.
> Sorry to ramble on. I'm just across the river in Parkrose if you ever
> need a hand.
> Good luck,