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2007 Bag O' Chips Award Nominees
Tonee Northam wrote:
> Sounds like a Valentine's day vw/audi cruise I went
> to a couple of weeks ago. It was more like a race to
> keep up. The mk4 vortex guys, oh sorry, kids, got
> pissed because I was driving fast. Fk' um.
Keep in mind that 'fast' is a relative term. I once ran a high-speed cruise
were a Ferrari participating could not, or at least would not, keep up. I've
also been on similar cruises where a 100% stock A1 chassis GTI has blown
past souped-up Mk4s due to the drivers inabilities or interpretation of what
'fast' meant.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
'83 VW Scirocco California Edition
'84 VW Rabbit GTI Pickup Truck