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No New Version of the Scirocco for the States
So, let me get this straight, the revamping of the Beetle didn't impact A4
Golf sales? I'm just not a Golf girl, and I have no need of a sedan. So
yeah, deep-sixxing this may hurt VW sales alright, I'll go outside the
brand next time. (Zoom zoom anyone? I want something light with moderate
power, that may just do it for me, but I have yet to drive one, for fear of
the dark side's lure)
I have money in the bank for a car, and am just not seeing anything on the
VW lots that I'd love to own. I was really hoping we'd see a sexy redesign
and a decent price tag. Not likely we'll see either, even for the lucky
bastards overseas. I'm just not impressed, as if VWoA cares.
On 12:36 pm 04/26/07 Jean-Claude D?sinor <desinor@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Off with his head!
> Jean-Claude
> 84 8v (D -4)
> Brian Wagner wrote:
> > http://www.autoweek.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070423/FREE/70
> 423003/1528
> >
> >
> > That is the sign of a weak CEO for the US
> >
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