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The glow...
I just tightened the belt so that's out the alt spins quietly so it's probably not a bad bearing. Is there a test for the voltage regulator? The brushes look good as far as length.
Derrick floyd <tyrone27@gmail.com> wrote: voltage regualator to belt slipping or the bearing the the laternator are bad.
On 11/27/06, Behrle Hubbuch <behrleiii@yahoo.com > wrote: I replaced my grounds and the main cable from the pos terminal to the starter and got better voltage but still have an alt light glow under load... HELP!!!
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- The glow...
- From: dswalterwi at gmail.com (Don Walter)
- The glow...
- From: raveracer77 at yahoo.ca (raveracer77)
- References:
- The glow...
- From: tyrone27 at gmail.com (Derrick floyd)