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Help getting my car to run
Thanks to both Cathy and Brian for the ideas on where to start. I tried the
jumper cable bypass idea with no luck. I then used the Bentley and tested
the coil. It's bad. Luckily, the car came with a new one in the box of
goodies from the previous owner. Got the new coil installed this morning,
in between rain showers, and still no luck starting. Added some new gas,
and tried again, but now the battery is dead again! ARGHHHHH! So, I will
try the jump idea tomorrow, when the weather clears, and some of the other
ideas if that doesn't work.
Brian suggested I let you guys know where I am located, in case anyone is
"nearby" and would like an afternoon of Scirocco-starting-fun. Trenton,
which is a little town in eastern North Carolina, in the middle of the
triangle created by New Bern, Jacksonville, and Kinston.
Thanks again! I will keep everyone posted as I make it through the list of
things to try.
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