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Mexico City Scirocco Sighting
I didn't say I witnessed this. I was just told that it was a problem there
beyond the realms of urban legend. I tend to think it's bullshit as well,
however, I am taking the "no athiests in foxholes" approach and not
accepting any drinks from strangers... unless they are really hot. ;)
Playing devils advocate though... I could see in this scenario where
healthier donors, (tourists) would be more attractive in a third world
country. I mean there are certain blood and tissue types that are easier to
transplant aren't there? I know as far as blood goes, O- can donate to
almost anyone, but somehow I doubt that is the case with tissue. Maybe they
are screening and picking, and the ones that don't pass the screening wake
up the next morning with a bad headache and none the wiser. On that note,
it is a realitively short stretch of the imagination to wonder if it DOES
happen and maybe the victims are simply murdered, why bother stitching this
guy up... hell, harvest all the organs. then there's no reporting it.
ANYWAY... I have seen other species of VW and we can only talk about urban
legends?!? I thought someone wanting to kick my ass over a scirocco was
much more interesting than the kidney story.
Oh well.
On 7/18/06, Marc Getty <marc@getty.net> wrote:
> Do the math: there are hundreds of thousands of folks on the willing to
> donate a kidney list that do not have a close enough match to someone who
> needs a kidney. What are the chances that kidnapping someone of the street
> will be a match for someone who desperately needs a kidney? VERY SLIM!
> Also,
> why would they target tourists and not locals? It does not add up.
> -Marc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason [mailto:verboten@michiganvw.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:42 AM
> To: Chris Bennett
> Cc: Scirocco List
> Subject: Re: Mexico City Scirocco Sighting
> http://www.snopes.com/horrors/robbery/kidney.asp
> oragan theives......not so much
> On 7/18/06, Chris Bennett <scirocco16vr32@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hey all,
> > Spent a week in Mexico City living la vida loca, er I mean man on
> > fire...
> >
> > Depressing place. There were signs everywhere about kidnappings and
> > missing persons. One sign said in spanish, " I am desperate, my son
> > now three has been missing more than a year. I could not pay the
> > kidnapper's demands but I did sell my house and everything in it to
> > raise 350,000 pesos... (about $35,000 us dollars I think) I am
> > offering this money to anyone that can lead me to my son so I may bury
> > him decently." That was on a large billboard in the same square as
> > the 14k gold angel statue.
> >
> > I did not have internet when I was down there, but I managed to get a
> > message in a bottle via text message to Daun. I saw alot of "VW
> > Pointers" there, and like a million and one beetles, that were
> > produced there until a couple years ago. The newer ones are pretty
> > sweet. I saw a 1990 Beetle with plastic paint matching bumpers. Most
> > of the cabs are beetles. Not too many oval windowed ones though... in
> > fact I don't think I saw one come to think of it. The Pointers on the
> > other hand seemed to be more of a direct decendent of the original
> > golf/rabbit, I see alot more golf in them than I do a Mk4 or 5
> > Golf/GTI. Also they had ALOT of the "bunny truck" Pointer models.
> >
> > Saw a few Jetta's, this is a new name for them my amigo told me...
> > traditionally they have had BORA's and "DERBY's", which both for all
> > intents and purposes appeared to be standard Jetta's.
> >
> > The entire week I was there I saw one Scirocco. It appeared to be a
> > Mk2 with an 8v. It had a chrome grill emblem and no 16v body
> > parts--also had the small bottle cap rims. I stopped for a second and
> > looked at it, there was someone in it, I waved at him and kept going.
> > Apparently the owner was rather offended that I was checking out his
> > car, but waited until we were a block away to yell something or
> > another in spanish. He apparently wanted to kick my ass but when we
> > turned and started to go back to "discuss" the situation, he turned
> > and ran. I am not intimidating by any means and neither is my
> > friend... but I guess he figured descretion was the better part of not
> > getting one's ass handed to him or something along those lines.
> >
> > I was telling my friend to simply tell him that I have a car like that
> > (or three) and I meant no harm and he was like shut up and quit being
> > such a damn gringo.
> >
> > Oh well. I ended up with a horrible stomach bug, and had to go to the
> > ER when I got back to the states. They are pumping me full of
> > antibiotics, and I ended up losing a crown so my return trip to Mexico
> > City has been postponed a few days.
> >
> > And oh yea the other thing to worry about there is the organ thieves.
> > Pretty girl buys you a drink, you wake up minus a kidney... I
> > thought those were only urban legends but apparently it's a large
> > problem in mexico. Which is disturbing that if you can't drink the
> > water... but some amatuer quack is going to operate on you and then
> > leave you freshly incised in a tub full of ice water-- the same water
> > you can't drink... (shuddder) Imagine that infection that follows. It
> > would be better not to wake up I would almost say.
> >
> > Also I read "Pattern Recognition" by William Gibson in one day there...
> > good
> > book I like the line about the soul being drawn out behind the
> > traveler. (Jet Lag) and the whole "mirror world" concept. Not that I
> > was bored or anything.
> >
> > Take care all.
> > Chris
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> > Scirocco-l mailing list
> > Scirocco-l@scirocco.org
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> >
> _______________________________________________
> Scirocco-l mailing list
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80 Scirocco Callaway Indiana Red
85 Scirocco 16v (conversion) Burgundy
87 Scirocco 16v Tornado Red
04 R32 Reflex Silver