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Mexico City Scirocco Sighting
Do the math: there are hundreds of thousands of folks on the willing to
donate a kidney list that do not have a close enough match to someone who
needs a kidney. What are the chances that kidnapping someone of the street
will be a match for someone who desperately needs a kidney? VERY SLIM! Also,
why would they target tourists and not locals? It does not add up.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason [mailto:verboten@michiganvw.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:42 AM
To: Chris Bennett
Cc: Scirocco List
Subject: Re: Mexico City Scirocco Sighting
oragan theives......not so much
On 7/18/06, Chris Bennett <scirocco16vr32@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Spent a week in Mexico City living la vida loca, er I mean man on
> fire...
> Depressing place. There were signs everywhere about kidnappings and
> missing persons. One sign said in spanish, " I am desperate, my son
> now three has been missing more than a year. I could not pay the
> kidnapper's demands but I did sell my house and everything in it to
> raise 350,000 pesos... (about $35,000 us dollars I think) I am
> offering this money to anyone that can lead me to my son so I may bury
> him decently." That was on a large billboard in the same square as
> the 14k gold angel statue.
> I did not have internet when I was down there, but I managed to get a
> message in a bottle via text message to Daun. I saw alot of "VW
> Pointers" there, and like a million and one beetles, that were
> produced there until a couple years ago. The newer ones are pretty
> sweet. I saw a 1990 Beetle with plastic paint matching bumpers. Most
> of the cabs are beetles. Not too many oval windowed ones though... in
> fact I don't think I saw one come to think of it. The Pointers on the
> other hand seemed to be more of a direct decendent of the original
> golf/rabbit, I see alot more golf in them than I do a Mk4 or 5
> Golf/GTI. Also they had ALOT of the "bunny truck" Pointer models.
> Saw a few Jetta's, this is a new name for them my amigo told me...
> traditionally they have had BORA's and "DERBY's", which both for all
> intents and purposes appeared to be standard Jetta's.
> The entire week I was there I saw one Scirocco. It appeared to be a
> Mk2 with an 8v. It had a chrome grill emblem and no 16v body
> parts--also had the small bottle cap rims. I stopped for a second and
> looked at it, there was someone in it, I waved at him and kept going.
> Apparently the owner was rather offended that I was checking out his
> car, but waited until we were a block away to yell something or
> another in spanish. He apparently wanted to kick my ass but when we
> turned and started to go back to "discuss" the situation, he turned
> and ran. I am not intimidating by any means and neither is my
> friend... but I guess he figured descretion was the better part of not
> getting one's ass handed to him or something along those lines.
> I was telling my friend to simply tell him that I have a car like that
> (or three) and I meant no harm and he was like shut up and quit being
> such a damn gringo.
> Oh well. I ended up with a horrible stomach bug, and had to go to the
> ER when I got back to the states. They are pumping me full of
> antibiotics, and I ended up losing a crown so my return trip to Mexico
> City has been postponed a few days.
> And oh yea the other thing to worry about there is the organ thieves.
> Pretty girl buys you a drink, you wake up minus a kidney... I
> thought those were only urban legends but apparently it's a large
> problem in mexico. Which is disturbing that if you can't drink the
> water... but some amatuer quack is going to operate on you and then
> leave you freshly incised in a tub full of ice water-- the same water
> you can't drink... (shuddder) Imagine that infection that follows. It
> would be better not to wake up I would almost say.
> Also I read "Pattern Recognition" by William Gibson in one day there...
> good
> book I like the line about the soul being drawn out behind the
> traveler. (Jet Lag) and the whole "mirror world" concept. Not that I
> was bored or anything.
> Take care all.
> Chris
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