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16V question
The engine is back together (not fired up yet, small water leak to contend with....), but I have a nagging question:
One the air-flow meter-to-the-throttle body main rubber air duct there is a gang of three hoses coming off the front part; the first is a large (1") going to the nearby air control valve on the intake; the third is a small (3/8"), Tee'd connector going into the DS fender (charcoal canister?); and the middle one is medium sized (1/2"), going to the front of the engine near the oil cooler (at least that's where it's been for a long time).
It was not connected to anything when I took the head off, just hanging...open...in the breeze! I thought I could find out where it is supposed to be connected once everything was off/out....but there is nothing in the engine bay that I can find that would be a connection for this hose.
I'm stumped.
Any of you owners of a stock 16V Scirocco know where this air hose is supposed to connect??
Thanks in advance, guys.