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Cincy Tech
On 12:55:22 pm 02/26/06 Neptuno <neptunonc@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Last year was my initiation with Cincy, and although I saw many
> people doing repairs to their cars, I never new what was going to
> happened in one area or another. I wonder if in years past we had
> organized tech sessions and times associated to them????
> I wonder if maybe we can do something or assigned a formal time for
> these things to happen. Like an initial instruction and then a use the
> remainder of the time to actually wrench on the cars?
> Both Timbo and Old Blue have suggested good tech sessions. I wonder
> how we can make them and others out there happen so that most of us can
> benefit from the suggestions?
> So I invite all of us to think about this and come up with a way of
> doing it. Obviously Cincy is about being there and living that
> experience with fellow scirocco owners, and that Dawns plans take
> precedent, but can we incorporate the Tech in in a sorta schedule
> way? Thank you all,
> El Tony
I doubt anyone will get too organized, but if somebody has a white
board/marker (blackboard/chalk), maybe we could toss it on the front
porch/in the garage and anyone who has something going on can jot it down
on there, and that way people can check it out. Ex: "1pm- Chuck's checking
AC on the navy MkI with the ass-rust on jackstands nearest the Johhny on
the spot." or, "12 noon: aerial photo on the back lawn"
It's gotta run itself I think, and be brain-dead simple. So who's got a
white board/markers? It'd be good for stuff like "Brett, I have your 10mm
flat wrench" too.
As for knowing what's happening in one area or another? Nobody knows, it
just happens. Anyone doing garage door videos this year?
- Follow-Ups:
- Cincy Tech
- From: sukchew at cox-internet.com (Chuck Blue)
- Cincy Tech
- From: neptunonc at yahoo.com (Neptuno)