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[OT] Perverts in the government..really OT
Old cranky guy wrote:
> What... do we think that, of the millions of government
> employees in this country, a certain number of them aren't
> crooks, criminals, perverts, idiots, fools, lazy bums,
> addicts, etc.?
> They are just a cross section of the population as a
> whole.....no better/no worse than you and I.
I'm going to have to disagree here. Government work attracts and/or fosters
a higher percentage of crooks, idiots, and lazy bums. The private sector is
not without any of these bad habited folks, but it has been my experience
that the public sector is worse then the private sector in these regards.
The semen replied:
> As a person reaches a higher public position (or rank in the
> military), higher standards of behavior are to be expected.
I'm going to have to agree here. Perfection is not expected but high ranking
folks with lots of authority, power, and responsibility should be held to a
higher standard. If they were not held to a higher standard any ditch digger
or airport luggage checker would be completely interchangeable with the
Deputy Press Secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It is
hoped that the idiots, deviant perverts, thiefs, and lazy are not promoted
to this level.
When I get to be this guy's age, or hell after work today, I'll be getting
my perv on with 18+ year old chicks, thank you very much! There are plenty
of fish in the sea, just stay away from the baby fish folks!
Scirocco content: I had to peel out from a stop in the rain and snow to
avoid a possible accident this morning. FWD wheel hop on a slippery surface