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[OT] Perverts in the government..really OT

As a person reaches a higher public position (or rank in the military), higher
standards of behavior are to be expected.  I suppose from time to time some will
'slip through the cracks', but in the end I would suspect such a group to be
naturally a bit "better" than the average cross section of society, simply based
on the morality that comes (should come) with greater responsibility.
That said, society is that much _worse_, on average, than those actions we see
in the news regarding high profile people getting in trouble.

Currently disappointed in my own superiors' actions (for >6 months now)...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: LEF [mailto:rocco16@sbcglobal.net] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 8:10 AM
> To: Nate Mellom; Scirocco list
> Subject: Re: [OT] Perverts in the government..really OT
> What... do we think that, of the millions of government 
> employees in this country, a certain number of them aren't 
> crooks, criminals, perverts, idiots, fools, lazy bums, addicts, etc.?
>   They are just a cross section of the population as a 
> whole.....no better/no worse than you and I.
>   If this guy was your uncle, the Starbucks manager, instead 
> of an "assistant press secretary", would you still want him 
> to fry?  Because he very easily could be....
>  Let he  who is sinless among us cast the first stone.
>  Understand, I'm not saying the guy doesn't deserve to be 
> held accountable for what he did, because he DOES.  I'm 
> saying expecting our government employees to be models of 
> perfection is unrealistic (Ref. one Mr. William Clinton), and 
> expecting especially-harsh penalties for them is 
> hypocritical.  They should neither receive special 
> consideration (Clinton) or overly severe penalties in the way 
> of public opinion.
> Have a nice day!
> Larry
> sandiego16v
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Nate Mellom
>   To: Scirocco list
>   Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 9:56 PM
>   Subject: [OT] Perverts in the government
>   http://apnews.myway.com//article/20060405/D8GPJRT05.html
>   Another quality use of your hard earned tax dollars.  You'd 
> think high
>   profile governmental officers would be a little more discrete and
>   cautious.  I hope this guy fries, freaking sicko.
>   Sorry for the rant, it's been a long day.
>   Nate
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