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WAS: clips NOW: Frickin' gas!

Douglas Conyers <dconyers@gmail.com> wrote:
I had problem getting gas this morning. Exxon, Mobile, Shell, and BP were 
out near me. I went to Sunoco and 87 was 2.99, 91 was 315, 92 was 315, and 
94 was 315. i thought that was pretty interesting considering what everyone 
else is charging. the Citgo which was above 3 yesterday is back down
to 2.89for the cheap stuff.

I almost did not answer to this thread because of how I irate I feel about this. It is just not rigth ! Someone is making a buck and we all know that it is not us....

As for the cheapest gas I saw this morning it was $3.19(for the cheap stuff) the side of town I work at. they were droans of people there making inpossible to get in line unless I wanted to have Rodolfos ass hanging on the heavily driven street.

everwhere else I see it at $3.59 and up. I realize that the refineries are down, but that is supposed to be only 10% of the gas we use. So why then did it not go up 10% rather than 75%?????

Im trying to simmer down on this. I do a lot of driving in the city with what I do and none of that is translated into my pocket or to any type of gas/milage re-enburstment. Administration has been rather lax about it and I tell you  that attitude will not be tolerated anymore from my part. It will have to be a University car or pay me back for what I spend.

The negative inpact of this Gas crunch is going to be felt even harder than what we are feeling now. That worries me.

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