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Damn ignition timing (+ ETKA help)

On 4:43:35 pm 11/13/05 Phil Boeye <rocco_phil@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Finished the headgasket r/r and all that.  Have
> everything hooked up.  Have double-checked the timing
> belt TWICE.  Rotor is set to #1 position notch, wires
> set in firing order 1-3-4-2, cylinders left to right
> are #1-4 (facing engine).  What the **** am I missing
> here?

>From what I understand, there is an incoorrect firing order printed in one
of the Bentleys. Perhaps someone can confirm the correct order? Or failing
that, check another car with known correct order. And #1 is on the timing
belt end.

> I fear I'll have to get that holddown bolt for the
> tranny mount to get the end of the cable secured to
> the tranny before I can rule that bitch out.  

Take your handy booster cable, clamp one end to the battery negative, and
attach the other end firmly to the tranny wherever you can get it to clamp.
This effectively does what that ground strap does, but you can try it right
now to rule that one out.

FWIW, I'm real sick of cars too at the moment.