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- Subject: maps.google.com
- From: smithma7 at gmail.com (Mike Smith)
- Date: Tue May 31 11:50:29 2005
For those who are using this to map their route, I just did a little
math and the time they say it takes to drive to Daun's is averaging at
55 mph.
In my case, at 55, gmaps says it will take 8.3 hours to travel the 447 miles.
After using math (Yay! Go math!), I found the following:
65 mph, it will take 6.8 hours
75 = 5.96 hours.
This is non-stop, but I'll have to make one stop for gas and am
packing food/water to eat en route so the only other stops I'll need
to make are for nature.
And no, I'll not be eating chips!
So, if your looking at your planned route and thinking it will take a
long time, do the math considering what YOUR speed will be and it
shouldn't be as long as you might think.
'86 red 16v (Red 5)
"The snozberries taste like snozberries!"
"It's a trick. Get an axe."