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Anyone near Glendale (LA) California?
- Subject: Anyone near Glendale (LA) California?
- From: mk1mark at gmail.com (Mark F.)
- Date: Mon May 2 20:26:21 2005
If you're in the area, and don't mind doing me a favor - I'm willing
to pay for your time and gas...
It looks like I have to get the 75 I bought in Glendale transported
home, rather than taking a trip out west to haul it back myself. I
was really looking forward to making the trip myself, but have been
very busy lately, and I'm starting a new renovation job this week
which needs to get done asap (rental property that was thoroughly
trashed). I won't have a chance to take two weeks off for the trip
anytime soon...
The 75 needs to be prepped for the trip - which only involves pumping
up the tires, and putting some silicone around the leaky windshield
gasket (doesn't have to be pretty - just has to seal out the rain
temporarily - this car will be completely stripped as well). One of
the side fixed front vent windows is missing and needs some plastic
taped/siliconed in it's place.
If you're in the area, and can help me out, I'd appreciate it VERY
much! I can Paypal you for your time and expenses...
80 S
90 Audi Coupe Quattro - 10vt