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Brake line removal/repair/replacement (something?) help
Bah. I used compression fittings to splice hard lines. They work
very well. My local VW repair shop (a very reputable place) sold them
to me - told me that they use them on customer cars all the time and
have never had a problem. I had leaky hard lines as well - just
bought some tubing and a bender from NAPA and a compression fitting
and I was good to go. not even that hard.
On 7/21/05, John C. Worden <johncworden@verizon.net> wrote:
> At 03:16 AM 7/21/05, Gordy Stedman wrote:
> >I think my friend used some type of compression fittings to splice
> >brake lines. I will find out more tomorrow.
> >
> >On 7/20/05, Ryan H <rhock99@epix.net> wrote:
> > > My rearmost hard brake lines are leaking due to rust, so since I had to
> > drop the rear beam anyway, I figured I'd replace the rubber lines with
> > SS. Well, I can't disconnect the rubber line at the front and it's
> > looking pretty rusted on the hard line near the connection anyway, so is
> > there any way I can cut a section of the hard brake line and put in a new
> > section? Like an extension of sorts. I keep thinking, ok just put on a
> > female end and flare the line, but in my mind two flares just don't seem
> > to match up... any ideas?
> >
> >
> >--
> >Gordy
> >MK1 x 3
> >Audi 80 - Slated for parts car
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> I really hope not. Compression fittings would not be a good thing to use
> on brakes. Now flare fittings
> would be ok.
> John
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