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[SPAM] **FS: Bosch (Autobahn) Halogen Fog Lights**
If these are the ones I am thinking they are, they are Marchals. I sold a
NOS set on Ebay for 185.00 not four months ago... This is a good price, as
there is demand for folks who have done restorations and want correct pieces
back on their car (a fella with an older Mustang and an older Cherokee were
duking it out, both in Canada)...
-----Original Message-----
From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of FLi GLi
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 9:23 PM
To: Scirocco
Subject: [SPAM] **FS: Bosch (Autobahn) Halogen Fog Lights**
I have for sale a wonderful addition to your Scirocco, other VWs,
Audi, Porsche, Volvo, Saab, whatever. These halogen fog lights are the
old school rectangular style that bolt on to the car (Pilot 150s, I
think). They are in new or nearly new condition. I know one of the
light housings is brand new. The other one looks like it was installed
at one point, but is in very good shape.
Wiring and a switch are included. Installation instructions and a
wiring diagram are also included. Everything is packaged in the
original Autobahn box. I do not believe there are any bulbs, but you
might get lucky as I haven't looked that closely for them.
Also included in this special, one-time offer is a set of solid black
covers that will keep them from getting chipped / cracked by road
debris. Additionally, if you order now, you'll get an extra set of
grill style covers!! These are open and allow light to shine through,
but would protect against large objects cracking the lenses.
How much is all this fun and goodness, you ask? $99.95? Wrong.
$59.95? Wrong. All of this (the lights and the 2 sets of covers, plus
wiring, switch, etc.) can be yours for $45 + shipping! Act now,
operators are standing by to take your order. Limited time only, don't
let this once in a lifetime offer pass YOU by!!!!
If interested, send me a private email. Money order and Paypal
from a bank account (no credit cards) accepted. Ask Daun, I won't screw
you over!!
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