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clutch problem
Maybe mines a freak then. Unless the PO who was a documentation wacko
(I have recipts for valve stem caps), for some reason didn't keep a
recipt for a new clutch cable, I still have the original cable in my 88'
rocco. I think if I can get another 15 years out of a replacement
cable, I'd pay the $40-60. I know I've spent about $30 in the last 3
years on manual cables for the wifes cabby's. They always seemt o dry
out and rub through the plastic sheath or just flat out snap. Either
way, I like my Auto-Adjuster and will continue to have one till it
pisses me off. :)
David Utley wrote:
>Although I have not driven one of those either, I hear the same as Patricks'
>sentiments from the folks that I sell the non-adjustable cables to...
>David Utley
>Quoting Patrick Bureau <ats@longcoeur.com>:
>>No hatred, just a simple mathematical solution, self-adjusting clutch cable
>>- 40-60$, non self adjusting - 8-12$.
>>Personally never had a self adjusting cable in any Scirocco I own, but from
>>what I hear in general, they are expensive, and eventually break down a lot
>>faster than the simple non-adjusting cable. But I am not against them per
>>ATS - Patrick Bureau - Web site :
>>AIM: texasscirocco - Yahoo: atsgtx - ICQ: 32918816 - MSN: atsgtx@hotmail.com
>>See what I am selling today on eBay: http://tinyurl.com/22e5b