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clutch problem
No hatred, just a simple mathematical solution, self-adjusting clutch cable
- 40-60$, non self adjusting - 8-12$.
Personally never had a self adjusting cable in any Scirocco I own, but from
what I hear in general, they are expensive, and eventually break down a lot
faster than the simple non-adjusting cable. But I am not against them per
ATS - Patrick Bureau - Web site :
AIM: texasscirocco - Yahoo: atsgtx - ICQ: 32918816 - MSN: atsgtx@hotmail.com
See what I am selling today on eBay: http://tinyurl.com/22e5b
->-----Original Message-----
->From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
->[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org] On Behalf Of calimus
->Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 12:23 AM
->To: Patrick Bureau; 'Derrick flo'; 'Don Walter';
->Subject: Re: clutch problem
->What is with all this hatred of the self-adjusting clutch
->cable. I still have the original on mine and I love it.
->Never needs adjusting, feels like I have a hydro clutch and
->sure as hell doesn't feel like I'm pushing a brick through
->the floor like all the manual cable cars I've driven (I'm
->sure that last part is due to poor adjustment though).
->Personally, I'd rather have the self adjuster on my car. So
->if you have on in good shape, don't chunk it, just ship it to
->me, I'd love to have a few spares just incase mine ever does crap out.
->----- Original Message -----
->From: "Patrick Bureau" <ats@longcoeur.com>
->To: "'Derrick flo'" <derrickmd18@verizon.net>; "'Don Walter'"
-><dswalterwi@earthlink.net>; <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
->Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 12:50 AM
->Subject: RE: clutch problem
->> Indeed the self adjusting cable would of compensated for the missing
->> and now that you have them back on the adjustemtn is too
->tight and the
->> tranny never gets a chance to release the clutch to engage...
->> Quick test, take the bushings off and see if everythign
->comes back to
->> normal, if so, take 15$ and get a manual adjusting cable
->and replace it.
->> ---
->> ATS - Patrick Bureau - Web site :
->> http://ats.longcoeur.com]http://ats.longcoeur.com
->> AIM: texasscirocco - Yahoo: atsgtx - ICQ: 32918816 - MSN:
->> See what I am selling today on eBay: http://tinyurl.com/22e5b
->> ->-----Original Message-----
->> ->From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
->> ->[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org] On Behalf Of Derrick flo
->> ->Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:01 AM
->> ->To: Don Walter; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
->> ->Subject: Re: clutch problem
->> ->
->> ->o ok. I don't have a manual adjust clutch cable. mine is
->> ->self adjustable.
->> ->I had it on there without the bushing and hardware on a 4K
->> ->tranny. I replaced the trans with a ACD and added the
->> ->bushing and hardware kit so I might have messed it up with me
->> ->driving it with only the clip on it.
->> ->
->> ->
->> ->----- Original Message -----
->> ->From: "Don Walter" <dswalterwi@earthlink.net>
->> ->To: "Derrick flo" <derrickmd18@verizon.net>; "Don Walter"
->> -><dswalterwi@earthlink.net>; <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
->> ->Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:47 PM
->> ->Subject: Re: clutch problem
->> ->
->> ->
->> ->> A quick way is by the play in your pedal. There should
->not be much.
->> ->>
->> ->> Other wise here is the Bently method:
->> ->> 1. Operate the clutch pedal several times. Loosen the
->> ->cable locknut.
->> ->> 2. Raise the clutch release lever by hand until
->resistance is felt.
->> ->> 3. Adjust freeplay by turning the adjusting disc until
->the clearance
->> ->between the adjusting disc and the transaxle housing is
->> ->(.472+/-0.12in.)
->> ->> 4. Tighten the cable locknut. Freeplay at the clutch
->release lever
->> ->> should
->> ->now be 6.0+/-0.3mm (.236+/-.012in.) Torque the locknut to 36
->> ->to 48in. lb.
->> ->>
->> ->> HTH
->> ->> Don
->> ->>
->> ->> -----Original Message-----
->> ->> From: Derrick flo <derrickmd18@verizon.net>
->> ->> Sent: Mar 25, 2004 11:36 PM
->> ->> To: Don Walter <dswalterwi@earthlink.net>,
->> ->> Subject: Re: clutch problem
->> ->>
->> ->> how would I check that?
->> ->>
->> ->>
->> ->> ----- Original Message -----
->> ->> From: "Don Walter" <dswalterwi@earthlink.net>
->> ->> To: "Derrick flo" <derrickmd18@verizon.net>;
->> -><scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
->> ->> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:21 PM
->> ->> Subject: Re: clutch problem
->> ->>
->> ->>
->> ->> > Doesn't sound like your clutch is engaging completly.
->> ->Better check
->> ->> > the
->> ->> adjustment.
->> ->> >
->> ->> > -----Original Message-----
->> ->> > From: Derrick flo <derrickmd18@verizon.net>
->> ->> > Sent: Mar 25, 2004 11:10 PM
->> ->> > To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
->> ->> > Subject: clutch problem
->> ->> >
->> ->> > I just replaced my clutch and tranny and now it won't go
->> ->into gear
->> ->> > with
->> ->> the car running. With the car off it will go into every
->> ->gear. I have
->> ->> to put the car in first gear then start it. then it won't
->> ->go into any
->> ->> other gear. when I push in the clutch it will
->disengage but I can
->> ->> still feel it engaged a little tiny bit. when its running
->> ->it won't go
->> ->> into any gear. I have to force it in to a gear if it will
->> ->go and it
->> ->> will grind hard
->> ->engaging.
->> ->> Anyone know what the problem may be?
->> ->> >
->> ->> >
->> ->> > ---
->> ->> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
->> ->> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
->> ->> > Version: 6.0.638 / Virus Database: 409 - Release
->Date: 3/21/2004
->> ->> > _______________________________________________
->> ->> > Scirocco-l mailing list
->> ->> > Scirocco-l@scirocco.org
->> ->> > http://neubayern.net/mailman/listinfo/scirocco-l
->> ->> >
->> ->> >
->> ->> > Don Walter - Waukesha, WI
->> ->> > 1984 1.8 8V Pewter Scirocco (sold years ago)
->> ->> > 1986 2L 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (under repair)
->> ->> > 1988 1.8 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (for sale)
->> ->> > 1986 1.8 16V Black Scirocco (my new ride)
->> ->>
->> ->>
->> ->> ---
->> ->> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
->> ->> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
->> ->> Version: 6.0.638 / Virus Database: 409 - Release Date: 3/21/2004
->> ->>
->> ->>
->> ->> _______________________________________________
->> ->> Scirocco-l mailing list
->> ->> Scirocco-l@scirocco.org
->> ->> http://neubayern.net/mailman/listinfo/scirocco-l
->> ->>
->> ->>
->> ->> Don Walter - Waukesha, WI
->> ->> 1984 1.8 8V Pewter Scirocco (sold years ago)
->> ->> 1986 2L 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (under repair)
->> ->> 1988 1.8 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (for sale)
->> ->> 1986 1.8 16V Black Scirocco (my new ride)
->> ->
->> ->
->> ->---
->> ->Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
->> ->Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
->> ->Version: 6.0.638 / Virus Database: 409 - Release Date: 3/21/2004
->> ->
->> ->
->> ->_______________________________________________
->> ->Scirocco-l mailing list
->> ->Scirocco-l@scirocco.org
->> ->http://neubayern.net/mailman/listinfo/scirocco-l
->> ->
->> ->
->> _______________________________________________
->> Scirocco-l mailing list
->> Scirocco-l@scirocco.org
->> http://neubayern.net/mailman/listinfo/scirocco-l
->Scirocco-l mailing list