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california smog defeats our engine swap
It's hard to say for certain - the engine bay on the grey ghost is a mish-mash
of stuff.
CIS-lambda, 3A distro but no knock sensor, A2 intake/TB/airbox/fuel distro.
What he noticed was the cap on the ignition retard vacuum port on the distro.
When I get back from Cincy, I'm going to call my old mechanic and see if he can
send me to someone who will only care about the sniffer. Otherwise, I may have
to revert back to the A1 CIS configuration...
> Yes that was back in 96 or 97. The swap is complete smog wise for an RD
> engine and that was all they cared about. I was only being honest when I
> said the displacement was 2.0. I never said anything about the cam, or port
> & polish.
> What do you need to do to make your swap "smog complete"? Maybe try another
> shop?