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[OT] Digifant help needed - bogs on acceleration
Well I am not sure that is a digifant specific problem;
I just had the following system on my ODBII Jeep Cherokee 1998 Sport,
Driving at constant speed and car boge's down like it chocking on it self,
have to pull over and let car sit for 5-10 mins. It was water and bad gas
(kerozene or alchool product use by refill center to keep gas from freezing)
It go so bad at one point on my trip back from canada (in Tn) that I had to
get the gaz tank dropped and content analysed. It started doing it at 1/4
tank than progressively did it in 1/4 increments... Until 3/4 tank full with
water/kerosene/alchool mix. The dealer dropped the tank, emptied it out,
change fuel filter and I was on my way.
Suggestions on your car : pull 5th injector and make it spray into a
canister, if the gasoline is anything but a bight yellow (need to get car to
bog dow first as I was explained that the waterr and kerosenealchool are
lioghter and will float atop the gas- when it biogs down its because this
has been perturbed (mixed) on a bumpy road or what not); if your gas s
greenish-yellow.... Siphon tank empty and get new gas, change intermediate
fuel pump and fuel filter.
ATS - Patrick Bureau - 85 2L, 102.5 whp, 121 ft/lbs torque
Email : ats@longcoeur.com - Web site : http://ats.longcoeur.com
AIM: texasscirocco - Yahoo: atsgtx - ICQ: 32918816 - MSN: atsgtx@hotmail.com
1975, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81S, 82 and 86 scirocco's coming soon!
-----Original Message-----
From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 3:05 AM
To: 'scirocco list'
Subject: [OT] Digifant help needed - bogs on acceleration
Trying to narrow down what's causing the problem (digifant A2 Jetta)...
Symptoms: (as told to me - haven't driven the car)
Intermittent, happens randomly - pull over for 10 minutes and it's usually
ok, but can happen again within minutes or be fine for a while.
When accelerating the car dies out. You have to be VERY easy on the gas
when the problem arises to accelerate. Only happens under load - if in
neutral it will rev up.
Any ideas?
80 S
81 S 2.0 ABA/JH/4K
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